Chapter 8

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   I look between my parents wondering who will start first. The tension was so thick in the hallway you could reach out and grab it. Finally I make a bold mouth and open my mouth. "Where hell have you been?" that didn't come out right... Wait that didn't even come from me. I glance up at my dad who was standing with his arms crossed waiting for an answer. 

   "On earth...north amer---" 

   "You know what he means don't be an idiot Cecilia!" My mother shouts copying my father's stance. 

   "Well i wasn't getting into trouble..." I say trying to decide who to look at. They both wore the same faces of anger, disdain and disappointment so I guess it really didn't matter who I was looking at they were almost the same person. 

   "No you were probably getting into the boy's pants." My father says glaring at me. 

   "What boy?" I ask innocently.

   "Again with the dumb act Cecilia?" My mother scowls at me. 

   "The one that just dropped you off! Or do you think we don't notice these things?" my dad continues. 

   "Oh him! I'm not dating him! He's just---"

   "one of the many guys you have slept with?" my mother glares. 

   "No he--"

   "When did you become such a slut Cecelia? We raised you better than this!" my father bellows. 

   "Your father's right Cecilia. we raised you to be a proper lady but instead you grow up to be nothing but a... a --"

   "Skank." my father finishes.

   "I was going to say whore but yes that works too."

   I stare at my so called 'parents' blinking back tears. Why won't they just let me explain? Why can't I have a regular life with loving parents?  Who love and nurture their child and love them for who they are? Instead I got screwed over and got handed the worst parents ever. No they don't miss any of my sports events or anything like that they just you know treat me like shit 24/7. Nothing I do impresses them. I have one older brother who is now a big shot lawyer whom they are always comparing me to. My life in one word is hell. I can't move out until university because my birthday is in December, i have no relatives in the country and I can't live with my friends have no room. 

   "And another thing--" my dad is interrupted by his phone ringing. He picks it out of his pocket and answers it.

   "Hello? No I'm not busy." No just yelling at your daughter. "You want what? But when? Now? Yes, yes of course. No, no it's not a problem. No yes my wife will be there yes." So what am I? Chopped liver? "In two hours? Yes. See you there." He hangs up his phone and looks at my mom. "Honey pack your bags we're going to New York for 2 weeks." I watch as my mom squeals like a little girl and hugs my dad. Then she runs up stairs probably to start packing. I sigh thankful to be forgotten this time. I spoke too soon. My dad turns to me with a glare on his face. 

   "I wouldn't be looking so relieved if i were you. You miss i'm-gonna-sleep-with-every-guy-in-school. You as of right ow will have a curfew. You will be home at exactly  6 o clock on the dot one minute over and you'll regret it. And don't think that just because your mother and I are going on a trip means that you will bend this rule while your home by yourself. I will be calling at 6 every single day to make sure you are here. Do you understand me?" I mutely nod my head. My father starts to walk but stops mid-stride. "And absolutely no boys." With that he turns and walks away. I quickly run into my room. I throw myself onto the bed and bury my head into my teddy bear. Yes it's a Pikachu bear okay? I have issues. I stay in bed for a while not doing anything except cuddle with my pikachu. I didn't even realize i was crying until i got up to change for bed. 

    "Why are you even crying?" I ask myself looking at the mirror. "It's not the first time they treated like this." I take in my dull hair, pale skin and puffy red eyes.  "I can see why nobody loves you or even likes you." I say scowling disgusted at my reflection. "Your not even pretty or anything." I push my hair back away from my face. "You should be used to people forgetting about you. I mean Jace did." I sigh i rub my face with my hands. Jace... "I wonder what he's doing right now... probably with some girl who's more pretty than you so that leaves well no one because everyone is prettier than you. You'll never amount to anything. Never." I sink to the ground and start to cry again pulling my knees up to my chest. I don't know how long i stayed like that but it felt like forever. I felt like i had no one in the world absolutely no one. When did my life become this miserable?

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now