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"You'll never amount to anything!" he kicked her again harder this time. "You're a waste of breathe you know that?" there is a crowd surrounding them and they all just watch as the abuse continues. She wishes she could just disappear. She was nothing but nice to everyone. But it seemed like she was being punished for just being nice. For being herself. She was never one to feel hatred. Never in her life could she say that she hated someone. But right then at that very moment she could feel something shift inside her as he continued to yell at her.

"Hey ass wipe! Leave her alone!" she a voice. A friend. The shout comes from somewhere in the crowd. She can't match the voices to faces though as she looks around. Everything's a total blur to her.

"Or what four eyes? What the fuck are you gonna do about it?" The kicking stopped and she is able to catch her breathe.

Every breath hurts. It's as if her body couldn't process the air being drawn into her body. The pain however wasn't just in her lungs but also in her bruised ribs, in her arms and blood stained legs.

Even still nothing could compare to the pain in her heart. The pain that comes from knowing that no matter how hard she tried the guy she loved would never feel the same way about her. Knowing that he hated her as much as she loved her. Knowing that the guy she loved hated her so much that he abused her.

Lots if people say that guys tease and make fun of girls because they like them but bullying? Would you bully someone you like?

I don't think so.

The boy looks down on the girl satisfied with himself. There was no part of his body that regretted his actions. This was the girl who ruined his life. The girl who broke him when he was just starting to pick up the pieces of his life. Why didn't she deserve what he did to her? She doesn't deserve her nerdy little friends. They don't know what she's really like. They haven't been hurt by her. Yet.

Looking at the girls in front of him he tried putting names to faces but if he was honest with himself he couldn't care less about who they were. All he knew was that it's always the same 3 people who interrupt his fun. Its the end of his senor year. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? Give him a free pass?

"You're such a dick! Why can't you just leave her alone?!" Screams one of the shorter girls. He glares at the girls as they shove past him towards the nerd on the floor. She doesn't deserve to have friends. She doesn't deserve to have anything she has. All she was was a no good dirty little bitch who needs to be taught a lesson.

"C'mon man! Grad's starting soon!" One of his friends calls as the crowd disperses. He turns around and sees his friends waiting impatiently with his cap and robe in their hands.

"Yeah yeah don't get your panties in a twist." he calls over his shoulder. He turns around and sees the girl hobbling away leaning on her friends for support. "See ya bitch! Hope I never have to see your ugly ass ever again!"

She turned around and glared at the boy trying to drill arrows through his head. Trying to shove all her hatred down his throat. Down the throat of the boy she loved.

The amount of hatred she had for the boy was unbelievable. A stranger would have thought he took something valuable away from her.

But in a way... maybe he did. Because let's be honest for a second. What's more valuable then a persons heart and soul?

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now