Chapter 1

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**Nearly a Year Later**

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard! And they're like it's better than yours! Damn right it's better than yours! I could teach you, but i have to charge!" chants Cecilia as she puts her straw into her Oreo milkshake. She attracts the attention of several people in the restaurant/arcade, including a cluster of old women sitting in a booth in the back of the restaurant.

"You're such an idiot Ci-Ci!" exclaims Hailey who pokes her friends side. She shakes her head wondering how she could ever be friends with someone so weird but then it dawned on her. She was just as weird as her overly enthusiastic friend.

"What? I ain't lying. My milkshake does in fact bring all the boys to the yard see!" Ci-Ci points out the window where a few guys were looking at her. Hailey rolls her eyes shaking her head not wanting to start yet another argument with her oh so stubborn friend.

"You do know the meaning behind that song right?" Drew asks taking a seat in their usual booth.

"Um duh! I'm not an idiot Drew. My milkshake..." Ci-Ci shakes her milkshake at her friends and continues her explanation, "attracts boys." Her friends shake their heads at their completely oblivious friend.

"Are you sure your not a blonde?" asks Hailey which is surprising considering that she is the blonde. It's funny how the blonde in the group tells the most blonde jokes. Talk about a plot twist.

"Positive. I'm pure brunette. Why what does it mean?" asks Ci-Ci in udder confusion. She never really understood that song. It always confused her as to why a grown woman would sing about milkshakes.

"The 'milkshakes' she is referring are her boobs." explains Chloe as she takes fries off of the tray in the middle of the table.

"Shit really?" asks Ci-Ci choking on her milkshake (Her drink not the other thing...) "That's gross. I mean at least when the guy said ' I like big butts and I cannot lie' you actually knew what he was talking about. Girls are so dirty Jesus. Like guys are open about everything: their dirtiness, their boners everything! Girls on the other hand hide everything!" Now it was everyone else's turn to choke. What posses Ci-Ci to say things like that?

"Wow thanks for that. Now I'll never get the smell of milkshakes out of my nose." coughs Drew as she wipes her nose with a napkin.

"Well why are smelling milkshakes then?" asks Ci-Ci suggestively wiggling her eye brows.

"EW! CI-CI!" exclaim Drew, Hailey and Chloe pushing their drinks away.

"What you guys don't want your drinks?" the girls shake their heads no so Ci-Ci shrugs and grabs their milkshakes. "Damn rich people wasting food all the time. I don't care fuck you guys more for me." sings Ci-Ci happily.

Down the street from the restaurant stands Freddy, Jason, Riley and Jace looking for something to do.

"We should have just went to University!" exclaims Jason kicking a rock down the street.

"Dude don't say that!" exclaims Riley disgusted. The last thing he needed was to be reminded of school. He hears enough about school from his dad as it is.

"Yeah I mean we've only been to London, Rome, Paris and Australia. But nahh fuck that shit we should have gone to school. " says Freddy numbering off the places they went to on his fingers.

"And you remember all the chicks we got? But I mean no university would of been so much more rewarding. " adds Jace taking a drag from his cigarette. The boys laugh remembering their adventures. Jace puts out his smoke and stretches before saying, "But Jason's right just standing around here is getting old. Lets go do something before my brain melts."

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now