Chapter 21

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Ci-Ci's P.O.V (new picture for Ci-Ci btw =3) 

   I stare and my brother in awe. "W-What are you doing here?" I ask shaken up. 
   "I'm not answering anything until you give me  a hug." Zeke smiles at me and opens his arms. I step into them and breath in his familiar scent. Zeke was taller than I remember and his hair is shorter but he was still my big brother whom I haven't seen in almost a year.

   "Okay there I gave you a hug know what are you--" 

   "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Zeke asks rolling his eyes. I sigh and step aside letting Zeke step through. "Ci-Ci what happened to the polite little girl I remember?" 

   "She grew up." I say simply crossing my arms over my chest. "Now are you going to--" 

   "And you must be Jace Alexander right?" Zeke asks interrupting me. I groan and slap Zeke on his arm. "OW!" Zeke says over exaggerating. 

   "Are you going to answer my question or not?" I ask frustrated. 

   "Are you going to apologize for hitting me?" Zeke asks still rubbing his arm. 

   "No." I snap back. Zeke and I have a stare off for about 30 seconds until finally he blinks. "Yay! I won! Now answer the question." 

   "You would think she would be happy to see me." Zeke says to Jace while rolling his eyes. I sigh and tap my foot impatiently. "Well little Sis I am here to help you get your adopted baby back." My heart skips a beat. Remember when I say he was a big shot lawyer? Yeah that still stands but I don't think he knows exactly who he's dealing with. 

   "But Zeke you do realize it's--"

   "Dad I'm going up against? Yeah I realized that." Zeke shrugs it off as if its no big deal but I know how hard it is for him to go up against our father. Zeke is probably the only person I know who has went through the exact same thing I've gone through. Meaning verbally abusive parents. They pushed Zeke more than they pushed me and that's why he moved to Boston. I don't blame him for leaving me though. If one of us could have escaped the torture I'm glad it was him. Zeke (Believe it or not) was actually pretty small and scrawny growing up. At some points girls younger than him were taller than he was and my dad made him feel bad about it almost everyday in his life. I would sometimes find Zeke crying late at night and despite our 7 year age difference I was always the one who comforted him. Sometimes it was the other way around but only on some occasions. But now Zeke is taller than he as before. I guess getting away from our parents allowed him to grow (literally) as a person and in his character too. Zeke was always shy but whenever I got to talk to him on the phone I could hear the confidence in his voice and I was honestly happy for him. And now he's back and ready to help me... I guess Karma does reward good people. 

   "And your okay with that?" I ask shocked. 

   "Yeah. Finally I get revenge after all those times he fed me nothing but vegetables for an entire month." Zeke says smiling. I smile too but I know that's one of the smaller things dad has ever done to him. Yes it's true Zeke was fed nothing but vegetables for a whole month because dad thought that if he did Zeke would get taller. Well that didn't work out do well. In fact I think Zeke got shorter if that's even possible. 

   "Ew! He did that?" Jace exclaims looking disgusted. Zeke nods his head solemnly. 

   "Aye. It's true me brother. I have seen thinks no man should ever see. Eaten things no man should ever have to eat." Zeke says in a (fail) Irish accent being dramatic. 

   "Oi! Can I offer ye a soda? It's the least I can do for ya." Jace says copying Zeke's failed accent. 

   "HUZZAH! We have made progress in this ye home." Zeke says thrusting his fist into the air. 

   "HUZZAH!" Jace says doing the same while marching (and I mean that literally) into the kitchen with Zeke following close behind. I sigh and follow them walking like a regular person. Don't get me wrong I love seeing my brother and possibly the guy I think is my boyfriend bonding but why must they choose this point in time to act like idiots?

   "Would the fair maiden like a soda as well?" Jace asks smiling over the fridge door.

   "Now hold on just a minute brother. That be my sister ye be talking to." Zeke says crossing his arms and trying to look angry as he glares at Jace. 

   " I be fully aware of that, Brother Zeke. But can ye blame me? Look at 'er." Jace says pointing to me. Both Zeke and Jace look at me. I cough awkwardly and cross my arms. 

  "What?" I finally exclaim throwing my hand in the air. 

   "Okay I'll admit it. The lass is pretty but that attitude of her's is a total turn off." Zeke says shaking his head sadly at me. 

   "EW! I'm your sister!" I exclaim wrinkling my nose at Zeke.

   "Ah yes. That be another turn off." Zeke  says opening his pop. 

   "I like 'em feisty." Jace says pulling out his own pop. I glare at him not knowing what to say. Should I insult him like I usually would or be a good probably girlfriend and just smile? I turn both possibilities over in my head before finding a solution. I walk up to Jace and crush my lips onto his not caring that my brother was standing not even 2 meters away.

   "AH! ME EYES BE SCORCHED FER EVER!" Zeke exclaims. Jace laughs slightly against my lips. I smile and reach for his pop which he deposited on the counter when I started kissing him. I use my amazing skills and open it with one hand. As quickly as I can I pull away and dump all of the pop over his head not leaving one drop in the can. I smile at my wonderful work. Zeke stands with his hands over his eyes but fingers open so he can peek through and Jace covered in pop looking at me like I'm crazy. 

   "This be a triumphant win for women everywhere. HUZZAH!" I say pumping my fist into the air and walking out of the kitchen. I do a little happy dance before sitting on the couch. 

   "She be feisty indeed." I hear Zeke say in the kitchen. 

   "Aye." I hear Jace respond back. Jace and Zeke emerge from the kitchen shortly after that the only difference is that Jace is shirtless and using his shirt to dry his hair. But it's pop so his hair is just going to end up sticking to his shirt and-- wait why am I thinking about his shirt sticking to his hair when he is standing there half naked. I try not to stare at his amazingly toned body but my gaze seems to always drift back to it when I try to walk away. 

   "Sis are you looking at this half naked man?" Zeke asks startling me out of my trance. 

   "What?" I ask confused. Zeke sighs and shakes his head. 

   "See this is why we can't take her to the beach. There's just so many guys I think she'll have a heart attack and drown." Zeke says turning to Jace who smirks knowingly at me. I try to hide the blush that's beginning to form on my cheeks but it goes to no avail. 

   "Aren't you here for a reason Zeke?" I ask trying to change the subject. 

   "Yeah of course but this is way more fun." Zeke says with a slight laugh. "But yeah your right we have more important things to be thinking about than your obsession with half naked men." My face gets even hotter so I use a near by pillow to cover my face. 

   "Can we drop that?" I mumble into the pillow. 

   "Did she just ask me to drop my pants?" Jace asks Zeke. 

   "I don't know but it sounded like that." Zeke says back. "I guess her obsession has increased to fully naked men now. " 

   "Arg! Can both of you stop talking about that please? Can we just move on to where you help us get Amber back?" I ask peeking over the pillow. Zeke nods but still has a mischievousness glint in his eye. He takes a seat across from me and Jace sits beside me. Still half naked; I try not to sneak a peak. If I do I will never live it down. 

   "Okay so here's the deal. The court date is in 2 days from now. Dad will probably have some random bull about how you two aren't fit enough to take care of a child. He'll also have his top lawyer working for him. But I've found out a couple of things from my source so I know a few things that dad may or may not throw in your faces. One is that, Jace, you were raised in an unstable family with your mom leaving at a young age and having an abusive and alcoholic dad people might believe that you have some physiological damage from all that but as far as I can tell your doing fine on your own. And Ci-Ci dad has made up some bogus lie that you sleep around and are only using Amber so you can benefit; In what way I don't know but what I do know is that that is one of the biggest lies I've heard since my last girlfriend told me I was vain. Do I look vain to you? I'm gorgeous how could she say I'm vain? She's lucky to have had a guy like me. I'm charming, and funny, and smart and--" 

   "Not vain at all." Jace remarks with a smirk. I giggle slightly at his remark.  

   "Exactly! But anyway where was I? Oh right evidence. Dad also thinks that he's found Amberlee's biological mother but I have to look more further into that before I can get you anymore details. All in all though even though 99% of dad's facts are lies the court might believe him over you two."

   "Oh that's just great." I say sighing. "So we have no chance?" 

   "I didn't say that." Zeke says smiling sympathetically at me. " I have some evidence myself that could work in our favor. Like the fact that Dad is a man-whore." Zeke says this with such a straight face I don't think he's joking. 

   "What?" I ask staring at my brother. My father has been called many things. Brilliant, genius, douche, jerk, ass hole... the list goes on and on. Btu never in my life has someone ever called my father a man-whore. Ever.

   "Yup. Our father; Christian Hawking is a man-whore." Zeke says shaking his head. 

   "How do you know this?" I ask skeptically. 

   "That's for me to know and you to find out." Zeke says smirking slightly. I groan and sigh. 

   "Okay fine whatever but answer me honestly. What do you think our chances are? You know in winning Amberlee back?" I ask hesitantly. 

   "Well with my evidence... i'd say you have about a 90% chance of winning. Give or take a percent or two." Zeke says with a smile. My face breaks out into a wide smile. We might actually get her back. We could actually win this thing. I turn to Jace and through my arms around him. We might actually get our baby back. 


Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant