Chapter 18

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Ci-Ci's P.O.V

   I slam my locker shut and sigh. Drew should be here. I look down both sides of the hall and groan. Why isn't she here? She should be here. I gasp with a sudden realization. What if something happened with the baby? I take out my phone and dial her number. I wait about 10 seconds until she finally picks up.

   "Drew? Oh thank god! Where were you all day? I was worried about you." I say relieved. 

   "Ci-Ci calm down I was busy all day." Drew says calmly. I hear a voice in the background but I can't tell who it is.

   "Drew where are you?"

   "Oh you know... Riley's house." She says hesitating. 

   "It's our house Drew. Not only my house!" I hear Riley shout from somewhere in the background. 

   "What?" I asks pushing some random kid out of my way as I walk down the hall. "Why?"

   "Well... yesterday Riley and I told my parents about the baby and well..." I wait patiently when Drew paused. Finally she spoke again. "my parents got into this huge argument and Riley didn't think it would be good for me or the baby so we kinda just... left?" I gasp when I hear the last part. That so does not sound like the Drew I know. Then again the Drew I know wouldn't get knocked up by her former bully so... 

   "Wait your parents randomly started fighting?" Drew never really talked about her parents much...kind of like me. I guess that's why we got along so well both of us didn't talk about our parents and no one has ever been to our houses. I just figured that Drew was embarrassed of her parents... or us... probably her 

   "Um no... they always fought. I just never told you guys." Drew says. I gasp slightly and almost stop walking. Poor Drew. that's the last thing I expected from her parents. But the last thing Drew needs is sympathy. I just need to suck it up and move on. 

   "Wow. That sucks. But they were still probably better than my parents." I say rolling my eyes. 

   "Really? How do you figure that?" Drew asks curiosity evident in her voice. 

   "I'll tell you la--" I am cut off when some guy slams into me making me lose my balance. I fall backwards and onto my ass dropping both my phone and my bag. I look up at the guy "Dude watch where you're--"  I stop once I reach his face. 

   "I'm sorry is that how you talk to your principal Cecilia?" My father Mr. Hawking says looking down on me. 

   "I thought you were someone else...sir. Sorry." I say. Since he makes no move to help me up I use my hands to search for my things not taking my eyes off of the principal. When I have my belongings I stand up sighing. 

   "Uh huh. Of course you are. Where are you of to in such a rush?" He asks curiously. I want to just yell at him right now but I can't. Then everyone will know the truth and trust me when I say the truth ain't pretty. 

   "Um... places." I say trying to be vague but not too vague to where he wants to torture me more and keep talking. 

   "I see. Tell me this is it a boy perhaps?" He asks smiling. People who walk by look at me with sympathy. Oh if you guys only knew the truth. 

   "Perhaps." I say again being vague. 

   "OH well okay then. Just remember that when an authority figure comes knocking don't try to hide." He says smiling at me before walking away. 

   "That was so weird." I say shaking my head. What did he mean by that whole authority thing? I think someone needs to lay off the happy pills. I comment in my head while finally reaching the doors of the school. I look around and spot Jace's car. I smile and begin to make my way towards it. That is until I got side tracked by Max (A/N You remember him right? The man whore?) who buts his arm around my shoulders.

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now