Epilogue (kinda)

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Okay guys so I know I said this story is done and that there's going to be a sequel but I feel like I haven't resolved it much so I'm going to do this epilogue but don't worry! There's still going to be a sequel so yeah that's why I called this chapter Epilogue (kinda). SO yeah hope you enjoy reading this ;) 

      I sigh and look at the envelope in my lap. An entire week has passed by since graduation. I've been promising myself that I would open it up but low and behold a week later I still haven't made a single dent in it. 

   "What do I  have to be worried about? Gosh I'm such a baby!" I huff and rip the envelope open. (A/N I honestly don't know how people receive their college/ university acceptance letters so I just made this up so don't hate me!) I pull out the sheets of paper in it. The first sheet is basically introductions and the stuff I already know. I flip through the pages until I get to the back sheets. 

Congratulations to Cecilia Hawking.

You've been accepted into:





  I look wide eyed at the names and read them over and over again. They are the only 4 applied to and I got into all four! That's.... AWESOME! A little squeal slips from my mouth. My excitement diminishes over a while when I realize that I have a big decision to make. I know I'm not going to Oxford (even though it's a good school) it was just a back up school in case I didn't get into the others. So it's between Yale, Harvard and Stanford.... 2 are in Boston and the other all the way across the country...

   I always had this weird dream that I'd go to Stanford but now... I can't. All my friends are going to Boston. Even Jace! He somehow managed to find a job at some restaurant there and he's really excited to go. He starts in September and there's no way he wouldn't want to go. He said it himself he wants to be a chief and open his own restaurant! I can't stop him from doing that! But that doesn't fit in with my dream... I never imagined that I'd have a boyfriend at the end of Senior year.... And then there's Amber. How the hell is this going to work? Even if Jace and I try to make a long distance relationship work we still have Amberlee to thing about ! Sighing I read over the sheet. What to do, what to do...

   "Ci-Ci! I can hear you sighing from the living room! What's up?" Jace asks walking into the room. When he sees the envelope on my lap he rushes over and takes the sheets from me. I watch his eyes quickly scan over the last sheet and his face breaks out into a big smile. "YOU GOT INTO HARVARD AND YALE! Your going to Boston with us!I don't know what I would of done if you didn't get accepted!" Jace drops the papers back onto the bed and tackles me in a big hug. While I was still sitting down on the bed so I end up falling backwards. When he finally notices my lack of enthusiasm he  pulls back. "What's wrong? This is good news isn't it?" Jace's eyes scan my face like he did the paper but I don't let my feelings show. "Ci-Ci?" He moves a stray hair off of my face. 

   "Jace... what if I don't want to go to Yale?" I ask biting my lip. Jace smiles and shakes his head. 

   "Can't you read? You can go to Harvard with Drew!" 

   "And if I don't want to go to Harvard?" 

   "Then go to Yale! Duh!" I sigh and take a deep breath. 

   "What if I don't want to go to either?" I ask in one breath. Jace looks at me wide eyed and sits up. 

   "What do you mean Ci-Ci?" concern fills his voice. I puff out my cheeks and blow air out of my mouth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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