Chapter 5

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Jace’s P.O.V

      Driving towards the Wal-Mart an awkward silence has decided to take residence in my car. Glancing at Ci-Ci I try and think of things to say. Many things pop into my mouth none of them are good though mostly ‘How was your day’ or ‘so how about this weather we’re having?’ yeah lame shit like that. 

   “Thanks.” I say finally with my gaze strictly attached to the rode. I know it sounds weird but I actually like seeing her everyday no matter how much she bitches and moans about how I’m such an idiot or how late it is. We have our moments though. At some point in our work we start giggling and laughing. That’s until our brains start working and we come to the realization that we are enemies. Which at that point Mr. Awkward Silence decides to move in and stay for several minutes sometimes even hours. 

   “No problem…” she mumbles. I glance over at her and notice right off the bat that something is wrong. There was no snarky total bitch comment , no sarcastic response just a ‘No problem’ and now she’s looking out the window looking all depressed and shit. I can honestly say that it scares the shit out of me. 

   “Hey you okay…”I stop at a red light and I reach over and touch her arm. I feel and see her flinch and tense under my touch and I quickly pull away looking back at the road. I grip the steering wheel with both of my hands and my knuckles start to turn white. Why did she do that? Is she afraid of me or something? I swallow the lump in my throat concentrating on the road ahead.  Of course she’s afraid of me. I bullied her for like what? Two years? Of course she hasn’t forgotten. I take deep breathes reminding myself it didn’t matter that she hated me I shouldn’t care. But something was telling me that it did matter. And that I did care. 

Ci-Ci’s P.O.V

   It was a reflex! I didn’t mean to flinch! It just happened! Every time Jace tried to touch me in the past it was so he could hurt me. I know he won’t hurt me now. If he wanted to he could have done it already but he hasn’t and I doubt that he will. It was just that my body was so used to flinching whenever he was close to me. Old habits die hard as they say. Whoever this ‘they’ is needs an award because that saying was anything but wrong.  I look over at Jace trying to say something anything that will smooth everything over.  I know that no apology can help right now so I answer his question. 

   “I - I’m not okay actually. I just have a lot going on right now with school and my friends and my parents and now this.” I say gesturing to the now sleeping Amberlee.  “It’s just a lot to handle.” I look back at him but he refuses to look over at me so I push forward words just spilling out of my mouth now “I mean I’m supposed to be the perfect daughter but it seems like everything I do is wrong. There is just no pleasing my parents and I just… now with me going off at all hours in the night not coming back until 3 o clock in the morning and not getting enough sleep I don’t think I realized how much this would be effecting me until now. And I – I don’t know if I can handle it so I’m a total bitch to everyone I see or meet which makes them hate me which I hate which adds to the stress which again makes me bitchy and I – I just need to get properly adjusted to this new routine and everything I guess.” I take a deep breathe. It felt good to tell someone. Why I told an ass hole like Jace I don’t know. It just came out easily.  I sat back in my chair and waited for smart ass comments from Jace instead all I got was a “Wow. Stressful.” That’s it! It seemed like I lived off of our fights lately it’s usually the only way we communicate and I could use all the human (at least I think he’s human) communication I could get.

   “That’s it? No Smart remark? Nothing?” I ask looking at him watching as he takes his key out of the ignition. 

   “Touché.” He mumbles hopping out of the car. 

   “Touché? Really that’s it? I’m not gonna get at least a sarcastic laugh or something?” Okay I know I sounded desperate but I honestly couldn’t stand the awkward silences. It was just so quiet and when it’s quiet that’s when things start to go bad. Trust me I should know. 

   “Oh sorry how’s this. Ha ha ha?” Better? He has Amberlee in one hand in the other he has a flyer. 

   “You’re an ass hole.”

   “Takes one to know one.” 

   “Doesn’t it?” I ask sarcastically. Jace rolls his eyes before walking towards the doors du Wal-Mart. “Why are we here anyway?” I ask looking around. Jace shoves the flyer into my hands then starts walking in some random direction. Looking down I see he circled in red marker a stroller on sale for only $86.99. “Oh so we’re stroller shopping?” I ask jogging to catch up.


   “And you chose one already?”


   “So why do you need me?” I watch as his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink before he turns away.

   “I needed a second opinion.”  He mumbles still walking.

   “Why mine?” I ask speed walking to keep up with his long strides.

   “Because you are the only one who knows about Amberlee.” Looking up at where we are going I look up. I gasp and stop almost immediately. Jace keeps on walking like an idiot so I grab the back of his shirt. For a split second I can feel the muscles in his back but I can’t stress over that (much) right now.

   “Not for long.” I mumble still staring at where Drew is standing with who I think is Riley looking at what I think are baby cribs. I can’t be too too certain but I’m almost positive. Jace notices too and his eyes go as wide as saucers.

   “What the fuck?” He says. Riley and Drew’s heads jerk up at the sound of Jace’s voices and both of them take on similar expressions with their moths hanging open and their eyes as round as … well I don’t know what they were as round as but you get the idea.

   “What’s going on here?” I ask cautiously. I watch as Riley and Drew share a look before Drew talks.

   “Well… actually…you see… it’s a funny story…”

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now