Chapter 23

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Amberlee's P.O.V

   I yawn and open my eyes. I blink and look around the strange room. We're is mommy and daddy? Well... only one way to find out. I begin to cry and scream as loud as I can. After a long time no one shows up so I stop. I twist my head from side to side and look around. I can't believe I still can't sit up. I mean I'm a month old! I should have gotten that down yet! I feel like a... week old baby. I hear voices somewhere so I start to cry again hoping to get their attention. Finally someone opens the door but it isn't mommy or daddy it's some strange woman. I continue to cry hoping that mommy or daddy will hear me. 

   "Oh shut it you brat! It's 12 at night! What the hell's wrong with you?" says the lady. She has blonde hair and brown eyes. She picks me up but I don't want her. I want my mommy and daddy. I continue to cry and kick at the lady hoping she'll put me down and find them. 

   "Oh what now?" Asks another person. I look at them. He has brown hair and blue eyes... definitely not daddy. I cry louder and louder until they get some kind of clue. 

   "Why won't she just shut up?" Asks the lady bouncing my roughly in her arms. This will not end well for her and me. 

   "I don't know! I've never had to take care of a baby before!"

   Clearly. I think as I continue to cry. As the lady continues to bounce me my tummy starts to feel funny. I try to keep it down but honestly I have yet to master the controls of my mouth so I end up throwing up all over the ladies shirt. 

   "Ewewewewewewewewew!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The lad screams holding me at arms distance away from her body. Honestly I'm grateful she did. She smells funny... probably even more funnier now that she's covered in my lunch. I laugh slightly at the thought. "Oh you think this is funny?" growls the lady. No one has ever looked at me like that and it kinda scares me. I start to cry again but this time with fear. 

   Where is mommy and daddy? 

   "Oh now look at what you've done!" Exclaims the guy throwing his arms up in the air ."She just stopped crying and there you go making her cry again!" 

   "You know what? YOU take her! I'm going to change!" Suddenly I'm being held by someone else. I look up at the new person. Well he's not really new just that he's new to holding me... 

   "What the hell am I supposed to do with it?" The guy shouts turning around. 

   I am not an it! I think offended. I continue to cry and cry and cry. If mommy and daddy don't walk through that door sometime soon I might cry for the rest of my baby life. 

   "I don't know genius just make her stop crying I need my beauty sleep." I hear the lady shout from some unknown place. The guy rolls his eyes and turns away from the door. 

   "Bitch please you need to hibernate." He mutters. Clearly he thinks I'm an idiot. I know what those words mean. Daddy says it all the time. The guy walks towards the ugly bed and puts me down not too gently. I continue to cry. "You know your very annoying!" Exclaims the guy. 

   Okay I have seriously had enough of these people.  I stop crying and give the guy a look mommy gives daddy every time he calls her annoying. 

   "Did you just--" The guy says looking at me strangely. "Clara... this baby just gave me the dirtiest look ever!" 

   "Yeah right! It's just a baby. How can you possibly expect her to pull off a dirty look?" says the woman... Clara I think walking into the room in a new shirt. She walks over to the crib and looks down on me. "Well at least you got her to shut up." 

   "Maybe I imagined it..." Says the guy unsure. 

   "Yeah you probably did. Now let's go back to bed! We have a meeting in the morning!" Clara says walking out of the door. 

   "Oh yeah! Wait why are we  meeting that guy anyway? It's not like he's done anything for us!" The guy says walking out of the room and closing the door. 

   "Because babe Mr. Haw--" I don't get to hear the rest of Clara's response because the guy closed the door all the way. The room is really dark and I'm scared. I wish I had Mr. Sleepy with me. I sniff thinking about my teddy. Mommy and daddy always tucked me in with him when I sleep. He was soft and cuddly and warm. Daddy got him for me because he loves me but now he isn't here. My eyes start to close but I don't want to fall asleep here. I want to be at home with mommy and daddy. 

Amberlee's dream

   I open my eyes and there holding me is daddy. I smile and giggle. 

   "Hi sleepy head." Says a familiar voice I turn my head and see mommy standing beside daddy holding Mr.Sleepy and my bubba. I squeal with delight. 

   "Well someone's hungry." Daddy says laughing. He sits on the couch and mommy sits beside us. I look at both of them. First I look at daddy. He has golden hair and sparkly blue eyes. Daddy's always tickling me and making me laugh. 

   Then I look at mommy. She has pretty brown hair and the prettiest green eyes I have ever seen. Daddy sometimes says she looks like an angel but I'm not allowed to tell mommy that or else daddy says it will go to her head. 

   "What do you think she's thinking about?" Mommy says poking my nose. 

   "I don't know baby stuff." Daddy says shrugging. I smile up at them. If they had any idea what I was thinking they would probably think I was the smartest baby in the world.

   "C'mon Jace we have to go now." Mommy says touching daddy's arm. 

   "I know." Daddy says looking sad. Wait. Where are they going? Am I coming too? Daddy lies me down on the couch and stands up. I watch as both  he and mommy turn away from me and begin to walk away. I try to yell after them but I can't. Everything goes dark again and I start to cry. Then a mean voice fills my small ears. 

   "SHUT IT!" Screams Clara as she walks towards me. I whimper and cry louder. Where did mommy and daddy go? Why did they leave me alone with this mean lady? "I said shut it!" screams Clara. She picks me up and wrinkles her nose at me. "This is why your mommy and daddy left. Because your a bad, bad baby!" Could it be true? Is that why they left me? I cry harder. It probably is true. Mommy and daddy don't want me anymore because I'm bad. "And now you get to stay here with me. Forever and ever and ever and ever..." 

Dream over

   I open my eyes and look around. It's still dark but I can make out the crib bars. I blink and rub my eyes. It was only a dream. Just a dream. But what if mommy and daddy really did leave me because I'm a bad baby? Then that means I'm stuck here forever...

   I hope my dreams wrong. I miss mommy and daddy. 

   I wonder if they're thinking about me right now.

   I know this chapter sucks. I really don't know how t write in a babies Point of view but yeah... here you go hope you guy's like it =) Next chapter will definitely be what happens in court so stay tuned

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now