Chapter 16

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~Ci-Ci's P.O.V~

  It's been a long day and Drew wasn't  in class at all today. She hasn't answered any of my texts and I'm really sad. Now I'm sitting alone in Math all alone... well there is Fiona but she's not really chatty and I don't want to go prom shopping with her. Yup that's right prom's coming up! It's going to be the last prom of my life.. unless university has prom but I don't think they do. Anyway it's all anyone can talk about. People are already planing on what dress they are going to wear. And I wanted to be one of those people but again like I said Drew isn't here and she's the only one in my math class that I actually talk to about personal things like clothes and makeup and plans. I sigh and look at the clock. Only 2 more minutes. I look back at my math text book and try to motivate myself to do more work but it ain't happening. I have a lot on my mind. Well maybe just one thing in particular. Its what happened this morning that's bugging me. 


   "Just park here and I'll walk the rest of the way the traffic's going to be huge by the looks of it." I say to Jace. He refused to let me drive myself to school and claimed that he needed the fresh air. It was sweet of him but I really could have done it myself. 

   "You know something tells me you don't want to be seen with me." Jace says smirking and looking over at me. 

   "No no! It's not that I just don't want you to waste your morning." I quickly say. I don't want him to think I ashamed of him. That's my fathers job not mine. 

   "Waste my morning? Babe why would you think that I'm wasting my morning? I get to spend my morning with my 2 favorite girls. How can that be a waste of time?" Jace answers . His answer honestly surprised me. Ever since last night I get a jolt of surprise and giddiness every time he calls me a any kind of couple name. But don't get me wrong I ain't complaining. It just seems weird and new to me. No I have had a boyfriend before its just that now.. its Jace. My ex-bully. But I've always liked him so it seems like this is just a dream that I'll wake up from sooner or later. 


   "Jace seriously I can walk from here."

   "And I can seriously keep driving you to school." Jace says facing froward. 

   "I don't know why your so determined to drive me to school. I'm not a little kid you know." I say crossing my arms and leaning my head on the car window. 

   "Can't a guy drive his girlfriend to school?" Jace asks looking questionably at me. 

   "Why do you keep calling me that?" I ask looking out the window. 

   "What?" Jace asks. I can feel his gaze boring into my head so I turn and look at him. 

   "Your girlfriend." I watch as his face transforms to confusion and hurt. I can tell you right now I was shocked by the second expression.

   "W-what do you mean? Isn't that what you are?" Jace sounded so vulnerable. Almost like I actually hurt him but then again I probably did.

   "Jace you never really asked... you just kinda told me that I was your girlfriend..." I say awkwardly trying to make sure he isn't  offended again. 

   "Oh I see. So you want me to ask you?" Jace asks looking forward and continue to drive the car as the traffic speeds up. 

   "Yeah that would be nice." I say turning my body (as much as I can in my seat) to face Jace (A/N Heh that rhymed) 

   "Okay." Jace says simply and pulls into the student drop-off area. Wait that's it? Just okay? He's not gonna ask me? Jace must have noticed my staring because he looks over at me and says "What?" 

   "Nothing." I say sighing. I pick up my bag and get out of the car. I go to close the door when Jace stops me. 

   "Um Excuse me?" I duck my head through the window and look at Jace. 


   "You forgot something." He puckers his lips and points to them. I roll my eyes but comply and give mine a quick peck on the lips. "What the hell was that? Our lips barley touched!" 

   "Oh hush I'm going to be late." I say standing back up. You know that feeling you get when you feel like someone's watching you? I have that feeling. I look around the parking lot searching for the someone. My gaze locks on a pair of brown eyes. I catch my breath and look away but I can still feel my fathers stare in me. 

   "Ci-Ci hello? Can you hear me?" I hear Jace ask. I look back at him and shake my head. I chance a glance (That's 2 in a row! Woot woot! I feel like Doctor Seuss) at my dad and quickly look away. Jace notices and follows my gaze. When he sees my dad he turns to me with a sympathetic look on his face. " you wanna go back home?" I look over at Jace as if he was crazy. 

   "NO! Why would I wanna move back in with--"

   "I meant home home. With me." realization dawns on me. He meant with him. 

   "Oh no I-I'll have t-to uh--" My gaze locks onto my fathers again but this time I can't look away. I hear a car door open and close. The next thing I know I'm engulfed in a hug. a familiar scent soothes me and I  rest my head on Jace's chest. I manage to hold back tears as he holds me and soon I calm down. 

   "You know if you want you can transfer schools." Jace says while rubbing my back . For some reason I find that absolutely hilarious and burst out into a fit of laughter. The bell rings a few minutes after my laughing and I pull away slightly from Jace. 

   "Thanks Jace." 

   "Your welcome."

*End of flashback* 

   After that I went to class and Jace went back home but I kept thinking about my dad and how he looked at me with hatred, disdain, disappointment but the one that shocked me most was the longing I saw. It was almost like he wanted me to go to him. But who am I kidding? I was probably hoping it was there. I'm just a little girl craving for daddy's attention. And that's probably what I'll always be. A child missing her parents. 

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now