Chapter 27

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First of all Guys I have to say something very important. This part was SO hard for me to write because it was seriously awkward for me but my cousin gave me the idea and I just went with it. So please please PLEASE do not hate me for this major awkward chapter seriously guys don't. And most of you are wondering who Clara Reed is. Go back to Chapter 14 and she's mentioned so yeah. Again this chapter is major awks but not like um... an inappropriate scene so don't worry about that it's just that...well you'll see so just read and um... yeah

   I hear the guys gasp in shock. My eyes are trained on Clara as she makes her way towards Christian he smiles and greets her. I try to remember to breath as he embraces her in a hug. Never in my life (that I can remember) has he ever hugged me.  Ever. And I'm 17

   "Ci-Ci its fine don't worry about it and Jace sit your butt down. Don't you even think about it!" Zeke hisses at us. I look over at Jace who is glaring at Clara. I fold my arms on the table in front of my and rest my head on my arms. 

   "I really your as good as you claim Zeke because if your not we are so screwed."  I groan into my arms. I peek over them at the judge who is watching Clara and Christian with mild interest. 

   "If you two are done I'd like to continue." She says shifting in her seat. Clara smiles sweetly at the judge and nods her head. 

   "We're ready to go!" Christian says with a slight smirk. The judge eyes him wearily and nods her head. She looks down at the papers in her hand then back up at the rest of us. 

   "Are you sure that Mr. Alexander kidnapped the baby Ms. Reed?" The judge asks looking at Clara who stands up. 

   "Yes your honor I am. We ended up getting into a big fight about his drinking problem and how he was setting a bad example for our daughter. The night of the fight was when he took her and I've been looking for them ever since." Clara glares over at Jace and I. "You should be ashamed of yourself." Jace looks at her with a shocked expression. 

   "If I slept with you then hell yeah I should be ashamed of myself!" Jace says glaring at Clara. Clara's mouth drops open and she sits down crossing her arms. Zeke looks at Jace with an 'are you crazy' look and shakes his head slowly. "What?" Jace asks looking innocent. I pat his head and shake my head too. Sometimes Jace needs to keep himself in order. 

   "If your done with your out bursts Mr. Alexander I'd like to continue." Judge Cassandra says looking down at Jace who nods his head mutely. "Mr. Roberson is that all the evidence you have?" She asks turning to Roberson. 

   "Yes your honor that is all." The judge nods her head in response and turns to face the rest of the court. 

   "Next we will hear from the defendant. Mr Hawking I understand that you will be speaking on behalf of Ms. Cecilia Hawking and Mr. Jace Alexander is that correct." Zeke stands up and nods his head mutely. "Okay begin." I watch as Zeke takes a deep breath and smiles slightly almost looking like he wants to laugh. 

   "Okay. So here we are in court because Mr. Hawking over there believes that a baby is being treated improperly. But can we please take a step back and think about the kind of father Mr. Christian Hawking is." Zeke clears his throat and begins to walk around before he continues. "I mean seriously. Both of his kids are fighting against him. If that doesn't say that something's wrong then I don't know what will. Secondly the fact that he calls his own daughter a slut says a lot about his character. Mr. Hawking over there has the audacity to call his daughter a slut when she isn't in fact the slut of the family. It's him." My jaw drops as I look at my brother. He did not just say that! There is a chorus of gasps from everyone in the court except Zeke and the judge who looks at him with a blank expression. Zeke smiles slightly and continues. "Yes I said it. The respected Christian Hawking is a slut, whore--"

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now