Chapter 34

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   I held Zeke for God knows how long until he stopped crying and we sat in silence. I raised my head and looked around but saw no one in sight. I smiled slightly. I guess they wanted to give Zeke his space. 

   "So you think you'll be okay?" I say looking at Zeke. His usually green eyes are blood shot and his cheeks are tear stained. I sighed and whipped away the still wet tears from his face. This reminds me so much of when we were younger and Zeke used to come into my room and cry while telling me everything that bothered him that day. It ranged from bullies at school  to our dad at home; lets just say Zeke's life wasn't the greatest growing up. 

   "I don' know. I'll feel better when I have some alcohol in me.'' Zeke says sniffing. I look at him with wide eyes waiting for him to say it was a joke.

   ''Are you serious?" I finally ask waiting for his reaction. 

   "Yes." He says simply his reaction not changing. I look at him making sure my face doesn't show any emotion. Finally I react. I take my hand and allow it to meet Zeke's pretty little face. ''OW!!!!!!!'' Zeke exclaims holding the spot I hit him. ''What the hell was that for?''Zeke looks at me with wide eyes while I cross my arms over my chest trying not to show how much that slap hurt my hand. 

   ''If I ever hear you talk about alcohol I will slap you. If I ever see you near alcohol I will slap you. If you even think about alcohol I will slap you. Do you understand me?'' I stare at Zeke straight in the eyes waiting for his answer. Zeke's eyes are wide as they stare back at me.''Do you understand me?'' Zeke nods furiously. I smile happily ''Good.'' I stand up pulling Zeke up with me. ''Well let's go find the others.''I walk hand in hand with my brother (No it isn't weird that a 17 year old girl is holding her 24 year old brother's hand while walking around a court house!)  

   ''Where should we start?'' Zeke asks looking around.

   ''Look where ever there's food.'' I say thinking about my fat friends (no offence to them or anything. I'm just saying.... they eat a lot). Zeke smiles slightly and drags me towards what I think is the cafeteria  in the court house. There we find everyone emptying the vending machine of its contents. I shake my head as I watch Freddy attempt to stick his hand into the vending machine. 

   ''Why are you friends with them again?'' Zeke asks taking in the scene in front of him.

   ''They make me look smart.'' I say watching as Riley and Jason play rock paper scissors. ''Very, very smart.'' I add with a sigh. I look around the room to see what everyone else is doing. Drew is sitting down with head phones in her ears listening to whatever, Hailey seems to be keeping score for Jason and Riley but I  think she's giving Jason extra points.... poor Riley doesn't even notice, anyway Chloe is watching with a slight smile on her face as Freddy attempts to pull his now stuck arm out of the vending machine. I scan the room hoping Jace isn't doing anything (too) stupid. I groan when I see Jace sticking fries up his nose causing Amberlee to laugh. Oh God...if Amberlee has Jace's brain I feel so sorry for her teachers. Anyway on a more important note:HE'S ABUSING FRIES!!! If my daughter ends up abusing fries like he is we are going to have some serious problems. ''Jace!'' I say stomping over to him. Jace looks up at me surprised before smiling like a dork. 

   ''Hey babe!'' Jace says smiling. He sounds like he's talking through his nose! I stand in front of him and cross my arms. ''What?'' He asks starting to take the fries out of his nose. I wrinkle my nose at  the sight. 

   ''You are so disgusting!'' I say looking disgustedly at the fries on the plate.

   ''Well that's rude!'' Jace says with a pout. I shake my head at him maintaining my disgusted face. I look over at Amberlee who's lying down in her car seat watching us curiously. 

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now