Chapter 15

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A/N Haven't done a chapter with other characters in a while and right now I have run out of chapter ideas for Jace and Ci-Ci so I'm going to do a chapter right now for Drew and Riley. Yay! 

Drew's P.O.V

   I walk up the steps and to my front door of my house. Riley will be here any minute now and I want the house to be at least presentable when he shows up. We decided it was time to tell my parents that they were going to be grandparents. I open the door to my house and here the TV on and someone is in the kitchen. I walk into the living room and see my dad sitting on the couch drink a can of beer.

   "Hey daddy!" I say with a bit too much cheerfulness. My dad looks up  and smiles at me. 

   "Hey princess. How was school?" he says with a bit of a slur. 

   "Fine, great awesome. Where's mum?" I ask trying to avoid anymore questions until Riley got here. It's not that I was afraid of my dad. Far from it actually. It was that I wanted to be prepared when the important questions are asked. 

   "Kitchen. She was out earlier," He says turning back to the T.V. I turn and leave but I hear my dad say "Probably cheating on me again." I sigh and shake my head. My parents have an...odd relationship if you could even call it that. My parents are consistently getting into fights whether it be in front of me or when they think I'm sleeping. The fights always start the sames too. My mom goes out and does whatever and she comes back. Seems okay right? Nothing wrong there. But to my dad he always assumes that she's cheating on him. I remember when I was younger around 2 and my mom wasn't really around much. It was usually just me 

and dad but by the time I was 3 that had stopped. I started seeing my mom more and more. And I was happy. But of course there has to be a price for happiness. Dad started getting paranoid when ever mom went out. It could be only for 5 minutes and he would assume she was cheating. I never understood it I still don't. I also don't understand why they don't just get a divorce. There is absolutely no love in their relationship. It's sad really.

   I walk into the kitchen where I find my mom muttering under her breath as she mashes potatoes. This can't be good.

   "Damn boy... Never listens to a word word I say...just like his father...." She says something else but all I hear is 'I can't believe he's my'. Great so mom's pissed off. 

   "Hey mom!" I say standing beside her as she  mashes murders the potatoes. 

   "Fine." She says through gritted teeth. This isn't good. If Riley shows up I am totally screwed. Next thing I knew the door bell rang. 

   And I'm screwed. I groan as I walk towards the door hoping it isn't Riley. But of course it is. He smiles down at me and pecks me on the lips. 

   "Hello gorgeous." He says when he pulls away. 

   "Hi." I say trying to not show him how freaked I am about this whole baby business. "Come on in." I say opening the door wider so he can get in.

   "Why thank you." he says with a fake posh accent.

   "Your such an idiot." I tease shaking my head at Riley.

   "Yeah. But I'm you idiot." Riley says wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggle and wrap my own arms around his neck and stand up on my toes (yes I'm short) to kiss him. Fireworks go off the moment our lips connect. That's why I love him (yes I said love). Every time we kiss there is a spark between us. I have read enough romance books to know what that means. 

   "Yeah you are." I say once we came up for air. 

   "Drew who's at the door?" My dad calls from the living room. I look up at Riley and he takes my hand in his giving it a reassuring squeeze. 

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now