Chapter 13

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Ci-Ci's P.O.V

   It's been the longest day ever. When I arrived at school there was only 5 minutes left until lunch so i decided to just skip lunch. So  here I am buying a huge lunch because i ended up skipping breakfast (food fight). 

   "Hey bitch where were you?" I turn around and see Drew standing behind me with her own lunch. She's frowning slightly and her eyes hold disappointment. 

   "Food fight ... with Jace." I say whispering the last part. So far she's the only one who knew about Jace and Amberlee and I wanted it to stay that way. 

   "Oh so did this end with you guys making out?" She asks suggestively wiggling her eyes brows. 

   "No." Unfortunately. 

   "I see. Ci-Ci I know you like him don't try to deny it. I see all, hear all and know all." 

   "Shut up! I don't like him!" I say my voice pleading. Drew was about to open her mouth when Chloe and Hailey comes up behind us. 

   "Like who exactly?" Chloe asks eye brows raised and looking between me and Drew. Drew and I share a quick look before looking back at Chloe. 

   "No one..." We say at the same time making it more obvious. 

   "Okay spill." Hailey says as we take a seat at our regular table, "Who's the he guy?" 

   Oh you know just the guy who bullied me in the past for 2 years then came back with his friends made me cry and fall for him all over  again. Then we found this baby in the ally right after we met and he wants to keep it for some strange reason. Oh did I mention he's staying over at my house for a reason I didn't even bother to ask him about? That's what I wanted to say instead I said "No one." I shrugged my shoulders and unwrapped my burger. I decided now was a good time to check up on Jace so I pulled out my phone. 

Ci-Ci= purple

Jace = blue 

Ci-Ci: Hey Jace did you get the house cleaned? 

His response was almost immediate. 

Jace: Yeah everything's good. I managed to clean up the Kitchen. YOUR WELCOME.

Ci-Ci: Thanks. So how's it going? Everything okay? 

Jace: I'm mad. 

Ci-Ci: What? Why? What happened? 

   I start to get worried and images flash through my mind at what could be happening in my house as I'm at school. But when Jace texts me back all my worries evaporate. 

Jace: Dora the freaking explorer keeps asking me which way to go. She has the damn map! -_-'

   I burst out into a fit of laughter causing everyone sitting at my table to turn and look at me. I try to stop but I can't so I cover my hand over my mouth. 

   "are you okay?" Hailey asks uncertainly. I nod my head mutely not trusting my mouth. 

   "You sure? That was a random laugh. And it was kinda loud..." Chloe says looking around at the tables around us. I look around too and notice that some people are in fact looking my way. I give them a slight wave and turn back to my burger. 

   "I'm good." I slip out my phone and text Jace back. 

Ci-Ci: I thought I was the only one who got pissed!

   I slipped the phone back into my pocket and continue to eat. We were in the middle of gossiping about cute Hollywood couples when the quarter-back (a.k.a man-whore of the school) Max and some of his friends approach our table. 

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Where stories live. Discover now