Chapter 263: The Tobias Household

Start from the beginning

All the teasing aside, Grey and Yuna then helped Iris out with her luggage. Iris has a lot of things, but with the help of magic, they weren't too much trouble. They simply waved their hands and flicked their fingers, letting magic do the rest.

Before long, things were finally placed to where they belonged and the room was brought back to order. Iris could finally take a break and appreciate the beauty of the, a little proud of herself to finish things even with the help of others.

"Thank you very much, Elder Brother Grey, Elder Sister Yuna." [Iris]

"Fufufu! Don't worry about it. You can count on us anytime!" [Yuna]

Things were finally finished, but now that they are, they really have nothing much to do left. They simply lay down the bed and chatted about any topic they could think of, wasting their time away in one another's companyー or so it should have been.

Clop Clop Clop Clop

But just as they finished cleaning things up, the sound of footsteps echoed in the air from the corridors. And it was quite the fast pace too. The owner of the footsteps was not simply walking, but was running as fast as he could.

Sound enough, the doors creaked open and a familiar figure appeared before them. He was a well-built middle-aged man everyone had the pleasure of meeting before. It was Gerald, the very mayor of the city of colors, Erdea!

"Your Highnesses! You're really here! How have you been?!" [Gerald]

"We've been well, Lord Gerald. How about you?" [Grey]

"Hahaha. I've been very well. No bandit attacks or anything of the sort these past few months so far. Hahaha!" [Gerald]

He was just as lively and friendly as they remembered, even able to joke about the misfortune he experienced before. He soon entered the room and shook  their hands and greeted them formally, bowing his head to show a sign of respect.

"How have you been as well, Your Highness, Princess Iris?" [Gerald]

"Life has been good, Lord Gerald. Thank you for asking." [Iris]

"I see, I see... That's good to hear." [Gerald]

Of course, it wasn't just Grey and Yuna he gave his greetings to. He also greeted the young princess with them, giving her the respect she deserved. She may be young, but it is already well known that she was very capable. Respect is only natural.

"Oh! Speaking of which! I heard from Conrad that you already had a tour of this mansion. If you are free for the day, I would also love to take you around the manor as well." [Gerald]

"Ah. If it isn't too much of a bother then we'd love that." [Grey]

"Hahaha. Not at all, not at all. Rather, it would be my pleasure." [Gerald]

There was no time to waste. With everyone agreeing to the Mayor's suggestion, they then headed out of Iris room and started their tour of the manor, bright and excited smiles plastered on their faces as they went around the place.

"This is the pride of our manor! Our jeweled gardens!" [Gerald]

"Ooh~! So many! Do you have magic plants as well, Lord Gerald?!" [Yuna]

"Of course! They're right over here. Please follow me." [Gerald]

First and foremost, there was the beautiful garden, which as one would expect, had a beauty which was out of the world. No, it wasn't just beautiful, it was mystical with all sorts of rare and beautiful flowers blooming here and there.

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