48. It's Porsche

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Next, they stop at a bakery. I entered the shop and hid. They were too busy arguing to notice me anyway.

"Khun you can't buy this! This is an anniversary cake!!" Arm told him.

"But I like this one. This matches the red flowers perfectly." He whines a little. I peek at the cake in question. Yeah, that was a freaking red velvet cake for married couples.

"Even though this horse has one horn I like it. It's cute!" Khun pointed at the other cake.

"Khun you can't buy this unicorn cake! This is for kids' birthday." Pol said while making a face.

"What about this in one?" Khun pointed at a three stories cake.

Arm rubbed his face in exasperation. And I just want to go out and hit the back of Khun's head. Crazy Ding Dong!

After fighting and arguing they managed to buy a simple but classic cake just like Kinn would like. And left. I hurriedly bought different kinds of pastries for Chay and Kinn.

"Now let's go to the house!" Khun shouted while pointing in the air up ahead.

What? House!! They just come out to buy flowers and cake??

Urgh!! What a waste of time!

They sat in the car and I rode my bike back to the house.

I reached the house before them. When I saw they were not coming back I called Arm. He said they were stuck in traffic. Well, this time I believe him. I managed to get home early because of my lovely bike.


I left the red Tulip on Kinn's table in his office. Then eat the pastries with my little brother who keeps telling me stories about the college and the new friends he made and the cool and amazing senior he met only once and sadly forgot her name.

Well, he told me about this senior for the who-knows-how-many-timeth that now I don't even want to pay attention. He said that the freshmen were planning to get her for another mock lecture. I felt bad for that amazing senior. Tsk!


I was walking around in the garden area when Khun and company came back.  They looked stressed. I noticed they didn't bring any flowers or cake. What did they do with them?

Pol was carrying some papers while walking behind Khun who seems to be lost in thoughts. Arm looked distressed too as he walked while cleaning his vision glasses. I'm his friend and I know him even though his face didn't give away anything, he's worried about something.


They had a hour-long meeting in Arm's control room. And I saw Khun and Pol left to go outside with some notes. I'm sure Arm kicked him out for studying!

I was about to go when I saw Big going to the Arm's control room. I thought for a second but ignored it as it might be about Kinn's work or something.


Before dinner I was wandering around the house and found Ding Dong trying to study by himself for the first time. I pretend to pass by him when he stopped me with stars in his eyes.

He asked me to read his notes to him. And I flatly said no. Then he tried to use his trick on me to provoke me with a small insult so that I would say yes.

"Don't tell me you can't read English!!!" He said while pressing on the last word.*

Hah! I know him better now.

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