Shigaraki nodded at him, "If you say so."

"I can assure you this won't a waste of time." Kurogiri reassured Shigaraki, "I would tell both of you you to watch out for yourself before leaving, but I don't think there's a need for it."

Shigaraki raised his brow behind his face-hand, "Why?"

"Because I observed you for the past few months." Kurogiri replied, "I can see you two have grown from the people you used to be back when Y/N was brought into the League for the first time. I know both of you can handle yourself against a threat, no matter what it will be and whenever it will arise for our organization and are ready to work together when it comes to accomplishing our goals."

"Thank you, Kurogiri." Y/N smiled at Kurogiri gratefully, really appreciating his words as Shigaraki stared silently at Kurogiri, "It means a lot."

"You're welcome, Y/N." Kurogiri nodded at him, "I shall take my leave now. I'll see you two soon."

Y/N and Shigaraki nodded at Kurogiri as Kurogiri expanded his mist and formed a mist around him. He vanished from their view a few seconds later, teleporting himself out of the warehouse towards the place. Shigaraki and Y/N watched him leave the warehosue and exchanged glances with each other, knowing they shouldn't worry about Kurogiri too much as they knew he could get this job done without getting caught. They started making their way towards the rest of the League right after, intending to inform them about Overhaul's Quirk.

If only they knew this would be the last time they will see Kurogiri for a very long time...


Kai Chisaki got himself out of the car he had parked right next to an old abandoned warehouse and frowned in disgust underneath his plague doctor mask the moment he laid his eyes on the old building in front of him because of how filthy and dusty it looked just from the outside. If it looked so filthy from the inside, the he could immediately imagine how dirty the building was inside and this thought was making him even more disgusted.

He shifted his gaze away from the warehouse in front of him a few seconds later as he heard someone close the car door next to him. He shifted his attention to the source of the noise and set his eyes on Twice who had just him outside, wearing his full villain costume. The villain from the League of Villains was was the one who led him to this place after their organization agreed to arrange this meeting.

Twice saw him looking his way and offered him a quick thumbs up, letting him know it was the place without saying anything to him. The yakuza leader nodded back at him, letting him know he understood, even though he had already figured it out himself. Not wasting any time, Twice started to make his way towards the front entrance to the warehouse and was followed by Overhaul.

The yakuza leader coughed, his disgusted eyes not leaving the building in front of him and Twice, "Give me a break. This place is so dusty. I feel like I'll get sick."

Twice looked over his shoulder at him, "Don't worry, Mr. Overhaul. Everyone inside's already been ill for a while now!"

He turned away from Overhaul right after and slid the metal door open, making a large cloud of dust fly right at him and Overhaul. Overhaul's disgusted frown grew wider as he followed Twice into the building, his eyes immediate catching the sight of the villains he knew must have been Twice's associates. Twice stopped in his tracks a few seconds later, shifting his eyes between his fellow villains from the League and Overhaul as he presented the person he had just brought to them.

He stopped behind Twice, allowing himself to take a look at the members of the League in front of him and where they were located so he could already think of what to do in case this meeting will go south and he will be forced to fight them. The members of the League were standing close to each other, making sure to stay close to each other during this meeting.

Villains Aren't Born (My Hero Academia x Villain! Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now