❄️ 36 ❄️

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"'Hey Dare, what's up?" I asked as I put the phone between my shoulder and my head. Ryker glared at me, but I waved him off He has no right to be jealous when that bitch is prancing around the house like she lives here.

"What're you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Um nothing, why?" I asked.

'''Wanna go see a movie or something. I feel like we haven't hung out since you started dating Ryker. I miss you." He said.

'"I miss you too. What time?" I asked, looking at my watch. It was already five so probably sometime soon.

"''You miss him?" Ryker asked me lowly. I smiled, ignoring him.

"Umm, probably like seven thirty." He said.

"Okay, I'll meet you at your house in a little bit, I'll just come early." I said. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I looked at Ryker, and he clearly looked annoyed.

"You miss him eh?" He asked, looking me up and down

"Oh hush up." I said. "You'll be fine a night without me."

"Will I? I might just die without you." He said. I rolled my eyes, patting him on his head. So cute.

"Ryker" I heard Riley say as she walked into the living room. Why can't his bitch ever let us live? We're just gunna start hanging out at my house from now on.

"Yes?" He said as she walked in. She had on a long tee shirt that barely covered het crotch arca and no pants on with her hair in messy bun. This bitch has really got some nerve trying to seduce my boyfriend right in front of me.

"Can you help me upstairs?" She asked, pulling an innocent looking face.

"With?" He asked.

"I need help screwing in a light bulb in the guest room. I'm not tall enough to reach it. " She said, tilting her head to the side a little bit.

"She can screw that light bulb up her fucking vagina." I said under my breath. Ryker nudged me, giving me a dirty look. I gave him a little innocent shrug, looking at that dumb broad out the
corner of my eye.

"Yeah, I'll help." He said.

"Like, right now." She said.

"Okay." He said, standing up. I grabbed his arm, dragging him back down with me. I threw one of my legs over his, kissing him deeply. I tangled my fingers in his hair, giving it a light tug. He grabbed me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. I smirked against his lips, pulling away from him.

"Woah." He said, chuckling.

"Hurry up, and maybe I'll help screw in your light bulb." I said suggestively in his ear, licking his ear.

"Fuck." He cursed, getting up quickly with a big goofy smirk on his face. "Let me go do this really quick. I'll be right back."

He scooted up the stairs, leaving Riley and I in the living room. Riley turned to me, glaring at me.

"Wow, what a show." She said sarcastically, leaving me in the living room.. Damn right I put on a show for that bitch, I just wanted her to know that he's my man.

I laid back on the couch, putting my feet up. It doesn't take this long to screw in a god damned light bulb. Like what the fuck,kinda nervous.

"I'll be there soon." I voiced out loud as I texted Dare. I'm  just gonna go because Riley is here and I'm kinda annoyed now.

I stood, swiping up my car keys. I was getting ready to head on our when Ryker came running down the stairs like a mad man. He smiled at me, rubbing his hands together. "Hey, you leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah. I thought I'd just go meet with Dare now since? I haven't seen him in a little bit." I said stretching

"Okay, I'll see you later." He said, walking over to ma
and kissing me.

"You okay?" I asked. His lips formed a tight line and he groaned, looking really guilty.

"For fucks sake just say it Ryker." I said. I can tell when there's something wrong with him at this point, there's no use trying to hide it really.

"I'm sorry, she like forced herself on me. It Wasn't even really a kiss it was just a peck—"

"She kissed you?" I asked, my brows shooting up,

"Yeah but it-"

I ignored him, walking around him toward the stairs. He caught up to me standing in front of me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

'"To give that dumb bitch  a piece of my mind." I growled. He laughed, grabbing me.

"Woah woah, calm down baby." He said.
"This isn't funny Ryker! That's not a laughing matter. She kissed you knowing damn well we were dating, like cmon! She doing it to piss me off." I said.

"It's fine it was just a kiss." He said, I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

"Well you can shove that kiss up your ass." I said, turning around and stomping out of the house. That fucking whore! She's really pushing it, and if Ryer hadn't stopped me I would've went upstairs and decked her right in the fucking tit.

I made my way over to Darren's, trying to ignore the whole Ryker and Riley thing. I'm just gunna let it go, not even get angry about it. I'm just gunna.. forget about it..

"Fuck that bitch!" I snapped to myself as I parked in
Darren's driveway, I got out, walking up to the front door.I pounded on it and rang the bell, letting my frustration out on the house.

"Hey hey hey!" I heard Darren yell from inside. Soon after he flung the door open, smirking. "What's crawled up your ass and died?"

"It's a little complicated I guess. I don't want to talk about it." I said, walking inside.

"Be for real, you're going to talk about it. So what happened?" He asked, closing the door. He's right, I need to vent right now.

"So Ryker had this childhood friend or whatever, I feel like I've told you this, and so he tinally told her that we were a thing after a week or two of her not even knowing. Then, this bitch has the nerve to continue to go after my man after she already knew we were dating. And on top of it all, she kissed him today!" I said.

"She kissed him? Ballsy bitch." He said, shrugging.

"Darren, this I serious. She's after my boyfriend! What do I do? She's obviously not intimidated in the slightest." I said.

"You want my advice with your gay relationship? I've never been in a relationship with another guy so I wouldn't know what to say." He said.

"Just give me some fucking advice." I grumbled.

"Fuck him."
"What?" I spat. Why is his mind always in the goddamn gutter? I don't get it! "Why is that always the first thing that comes to your mind?"

"No seriously! Like, fuck him so good he doesn't want to think about anyone else." He said.

"'Darren that's—" I stopped, thinking a little bit. I mean, have been dating for a little while, and we have talked about. Would that really work? "Do you think it'll work?"

"Maybe? I dunno, it's just a suggestion." He said.

"No I'm being serious, do you think like, that'll work?" I asked again.

"Have you two fucked yet?" He asked


"Then yeah, there's like a 22% chance that it'll work. And it doesn't at lead you got fucked. It really a win win." He said laughing.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, can we talk about something else now?" I asked.

"Wanna hear about this girl I met the other day? She's really hot" He said smiling.

"Here we go." I said. He just laughed, wrapping his am ground my shoulder, chatting away about some girl he met without me.

I was only half listening though, because we all know where my mind was. I can't believe it, but I'm actually taking something Darren said into consideration. Having sex with Ryker was in
near future anyways, so why not solidify our relationship?

It'll work...right?

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