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"Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since we've no place to go, let it snow let it snow let it snow!" My friend Kelsy sang, smiling at me.

"It's not Christmas quite yet. And don't forget about Thanksgiving." I said chuckling.

"I could never forget about it, that's just insulting to me." She said, shaking her head, her bouncy red hair going all over the place.

We were currently sitting on Kelsy's bed in her room, with her bedroom door open like usual. Her father doesn't trust me to this day, even though we've been friends since middle school. I mean, Kelsy is attractive, very, but I don't like her like that. She's more like a sister to me.

"Oh hush." I said, shoving her lightly. She shoved me back and I hissed, letting out a small whimper. Fuck, she touched me right on one of my bruises.

"Mason? Are you okay?" She asked me. I bit my lip, looking away from her.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"Mason." She said in a strict tone. I shook my head, getting up off the bed.

"Kels I promise it's nothing, he...he just caught me in the bathroom really quickly, it was nothing I couldn't handle." I said.

"When you said nothing, it's always something, and it's usually something bad." She said. "Show me."

"It's noting." I repeated.

"Show me Mason, or I'll tell my dad." She threatened. I felt a string of panic pulse through me at the mention of telling an adult.

"Fine. Fine." I said. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up. She gasped, covering her mouth all dramatically like she always does.

"Mason, this is bad." She said.

"You say that every time, I'm fine." I said, pulling my shirt down quickly. I don't like being gawked at.

"No, Mason, this is bad. Have you even seen yourself? It doesn't look good." She said. I rolled my eyes, walking inter her bathroom. I lifted my shirt, and I have to admit even I was slightly taken aback by the sight.

My torso was littered in bruises, and they were pretty big. Like, if I stretched my whole hand a against my skin, it would be that size. And there's no way I could hide something like this, the stark contrast between the deep blues and purples of the bruises on my pale skin it too noticeable.

"Oh my god." I groaned, poking at one. I winced, putting my shirt down. I'll admit, this is pretty bad. But not enough for me to get adults involved.

I mean, I've been beat up before. But barely this badly.

"See. It's bad Mason. Please let me tell my dad. Ryker would get in trouble and you wouldn't have to deal with his beatings anymore." She said.

"No!" I yelled quickly. "No, it's nothing. It's not worth it." I walked back into her bedroom sitting on her bed.

"Why not? Why won't you tell me Mason?" She asked.

"No, I don't want to."  I said sternly.

"What's all the yelling about?" Kelsys brother Darren, my other best friend, said as he walked into the room.

"Nothing at all." I groaned.

"Was it Ryker again?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"Dare open the door, you know how sad feels about that." Kelsy said, a nervous look coming across her face.

"Shut up I'm in here, it's fine." He said, walking over to me. "Show me Mason."

"No." I said, crossing my arms carefully as to not hurt myself."

"Mason cmon." He said. I rolled my eyes, standing and lifting my shirt quickly before dropping it. He clenched his jaw in anger, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Mason. I think it's time time to stop this. He's always beating the shit out of you for fun and you never do anything about it. Let me beat his ass." Darren said. Darren could definitely take on Ryker, that's for sure, but no.

"No, it's okay guys I don't need it. I can take care of myself I swear." I said trying to reassure them, and my self, that I didn't need to have them protect me.

"You call that taking care of yourself? No, it's not!" Darren said angrily. We always get in a fight over this but I'm not doing this today, I'm not in the mood.

They've only known I've been getting beat up these past few months, they have no idea how long this has really been going on, and I don't plan on telling them any time soon.

I got up, grabbing my car keys and walking right out the room. They called after me but I ignored them, walking out of the house without as much as a glance over my shoulder. I got in my car, speeding away from their house.

I didn't feel like having a conversation about this, again, because I knew how it would end. They'd scream. I'd scream. Darren would get mad. I'd cry and they'd apologize. That happens every single time, and I was not in the mood for that today.

I went to Dunkin, parking in a spot kinda far from the door, I sighed, getting out of the car.

Ryker works at this Dunkin, and I know this isn't the time to see him, but I want a coffee. I've been here plenty of times because my house if only like two minutes from here, and most of the time when I come he's working. But he can't tear me like shit at work. And I really want an iced coffee.

I walked in, and it was surprisingly empty. I walked up got the register where Ryker was, and when he spotted me he rolled his eyes. "Hi how may I help you today?" He asked, forcing a fake smile.

"Can I get a—"

"Yeah the usual, anything else?" He asked, irritation in his tone.

"Um no, that's it." I said. He rang me up and I gave him my money. I stood there, fiddling with my phone as he made my coffee.

"I don't know why you insist on coming here all the time." He grumbled, barely audible.

"Because I like coffee." I said simply. I reached Uber my shirt to scratch my stomach and his eyes darted downwards, before looking back at my face.

"Whatever." He grumbled."

"Yeah." I said back. Why did I even say that?

"Here." He said, handing me my coffee. I nodded and took my drink, leaving the building.

I sipped my coffee, smiling. I always get a medium iced coffee, light and sweet with mocha with whipped cream on top. It's my favorite, I swear I have some sort of obsession. Or addiction.

I got in the car, driving back to my house. I got home, walking inside. My mom was in the living room, watching some sort of reality TV show so I left her be, walking straight upstairs.

While it's true I didn't want to disturb her, I also didn't want to see her because she might check me for bruises. A couple weeks ago I wore a sleeveless shirt to bed, and forgot to change when I woke up, so she could see a bruise I had on my side. She had checked my whole body that day and found tons of them, so now whenever she feels suspicious she checks me. Which is very uncomfortable. It's like being an inmate.

She had threatened to tel my dad, but I convinced her I had fell or something stupid like that, so she let it go. But I doubt she would let it go if she saw these.

I got in my room without any confrontation and smiled at the small success, sitting on my bed.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

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