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I closed my locker, sighing. I could already see Ryker
stalking towards me out of my peripheral, and I don't really want to talk to him.I ignored him all last night because I had just needed time to think. Think about what I was going to do about this whole Riley situation. We have to talk about it some more, I know that, but I have a feeling it won't be a very pleasant conversation.

"Hey Princess." He said, leaning against the locker.

"Hi." I said, slamming my locker door shut, looking at him.

"Are you really still mad at me?" He asked, clenching his jaw.

"Yeah. I'm still mad Ryker, what did you expect?" I asked.

"For you to get over it." He said. I scoffed, chuckling a little bitterly. Is he kidding me right now?

"Get over it? Why don't you want to tell her Ryker?" I asked.

"Why do you want her to know so badly?" He retorted. My jaw dropped, shocked by what he just said. Is this a joke? Like, am I on fucking punked right now? I was almost disowned because of him, but he can't manage to tell some girl about our relationship!

"Because she wants to be in a relationship with you but you're in a relationship with me! Can you not tell that she likes you? Are you that fucking stupid." I snapped.

"She doesn't like me." He said.

"Wow. You really are just stupid." I said.

"Okay Mason. Watch your mouth I'm not fucking stupid. And two, she doesn't like me. We've been friends for too long." He said. Oh please, he can't be that fucking naive.

"Oh, she doesn't like you? Okay, I guess I'm just delusional as fuck and I have a problem. I need to get checked out maybe." I said sarcastically.

"Mason—" the warning bell rang, cutting him off.

"Gotta get to class." I said, walking away from him. He called after me but I ignored him, going to my classroom. I don't want to talk about this right now, I just. I want to be alone.


I pulled out one of my ear buds, looking around my room Is the only one home right now, and I'm hearing noises, that's not a good combo.

"Hello?" I said, channeling my inner white girl, curious to find out where the sound is coming from

Tap tap tap.

"Ah'" I yelped, looking around the room. Fuck. Fuck this.

Tap tap tap

My head whipped around the window where the noise was coming from. I got up slowly, walking over to the window. I reached out with a shaky hand, pulling the curtain open.

"Fuck!" I yelled, seeing Ryker outside my window. He smiled sheepishly, waving. I rolled my eyes, opening my window so he could come in.

"Ryker what the hell." I said as he climbed through my window, He smiled, pulling roses out from behind him. They were a beautiful dark red, and there had to be at least two dozen there.

"'What're these for?" I asked, taking the roses and smelling their sweet fragrance.

"An apology." He said. "An 'I love you', and a multitude of other things."

"Oh yeah?" I said, hiding my mouth behind the roses so he wouldn't see I was smiling. I hate how easy it is for him to make me smile.

"Yeah. I know I was in the wrong and I pissed you off I should've told Riley, I shouldn't have kept you a secret like that. That wasn't right of me. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said. "But I'm still mad."

"I know. I know, and I wanted you to know that I told her about us. I told her everything." He said.

"You actually told her?" I asked in surprise. Wow,
somebody actually grew some balls.

"Yeah. I was scared to tell her, for no reason. If my mom and sister knows, she should know too. She was a little shocked, but she's okay with it." He said.

"I knew she would be." I said in reassurance. I lied, and I know she isn't okay with it. She's probably pissed off, but hell, that's not my fucking problem. As long as she doesn't try to fuck with me it's all good.

"I'm also here because I still owe you that date, so let's go." He said.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yeah, right now." He said.

"Fine. But we're going through the front door like regular people." I said chuckling. "'And let me put these in a vase."

We went downstairs where I got a vase, filled it with water. I put the flowers in, leaving them in the kitchen so we could all see them.

We left the house, getting into his car. "Are we going roller skating like we were going to do?" I asked.

"Yeah actually." He said smiling. I rolled my eyes but I was actually excited, I like roller skating. I'm hoping not to bust my whole ass by we'll just have to wait and see.

We made it to the roller rink in about twenty minutes, and when we got there we quickly put on some skates and got out on the rink.

I clung to the wall for a little, scooting around the rink. I didn't trust skating out with no support, not yet.

"Need help?" Ryker asked, skating past me laughing. I flipped him off, poking my tongue out at him. He's such an ass, who leaves their boyfriend to struggle while they skate?

"Baby come help me!" I whined, making it sound like I really needed help. He skated over to me, grabbing my hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked, pulling me towards the middle of the rink.

"I'm okay, I just wanted you to come to me since you left me in the dirt." I laughed, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey! I can't skate like this." He said chuckling. I held him tighter, spinning around. I tripped a bit and he grabbed me, making sure I didn't fall.

I stood up straight, pushing my glasses further up the bridge of my nose. "This is fun." I said, skating away from him.

"Hey!" He said, skating after me. I laughed, watching him follow me. This is really fun, I'm enjoying myself. This is what I love, spending time with my boyfriend without having to worry about stupid girls.
About anything.

We need to go in more dates.


"I never had that much fun skating." I said as we walked up to my front door.

"It was fun wasn't it? It was such a good date, I think I'm going to pat myself on the back " He said, actually patting himself on the back.

"You're so corny." I said laughing. He picked me up, kissing me on the lips. I giggled, kissing him on his cheek. He put me down, smiling.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Don't start with all the sappy stuff. All is already forgiven." I said.

"I love you so much." He said.

"I love you too, goodnight." I said, kissing him on the lips quickly.

"Goodnight princess." He said, walking backwards to his car, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, waving him off as I stepped into the house.

That boy, I can never stay mad at him.

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