❄️ 43 ❄️

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It's been two days. Two. Whole. Days.

He's still "asleep" as they like to say, and they don't really know why. I'm going absolutely crazy sitting here waiting for him to wake up. It's like pulling finger nails.

And we still have heard nothing from Riley. Me and Rachel went banging on her house door yesterday but there was no answer. She's probably hiding out in her room like a hobbit, praying for her
Stupid bitch.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder as the last bell rang and I left the classroom. People have been giving me weird looks because they've come to realize that Ryker and I are always together, and now that I'm alone and he's not here it's weird. If only they knew why he's not here.

Just then, a couple of guys walked up to me. I looked at them blankly as they approached, analyzing them. At first glance they look like they'd play football, but I could be wrong.

"Where's Ryker?" The one in front asked. He had black hair and piercing gray eyes. He looked almost scary, the only thing that was showing me that he wasn't was his tone of voice.

"Hospital." I said simply. He's not the first person to ask me where he is, and I'm not going to lie and say he's at home sick or something.

"Why." He asked. I opened my locker and putting books in that I didn't need

"Can't say. Ask him when he gets back." I said.

"What is it with you two anyways? Why're you always together?" One of the other ones asked. The one in the front elbowed him, turning to him.

"What?" He whined. This boy had black hair and brown eves, shorter build, pretty much my height.

"Ryker already told us." The one in front said lowly to him then turned to me, smiling sheepishly.

"Wait, told you what?" I asked curiously.

"Well he kinda told us you two were a thing." He said, scratching the back of his head.

"You're "his everything' in his words." The last guy said. He was blonde with brown eyes, a little goofy looking.

"Yeah, we didn't know whether or not to believe it at first but we see you two together all the time so we had no choice but to." He said. I felt my face heat up as he said this, Ryker's been going around telling people I was his everything? I didn't even know.

"Are you his friends?" I asked. "Yeah, we've been friends since middle school. When he's
not with you—"

"Which is barely!" The blonde guy cut in, pouting.

"He's with us." The guy in front finished, glaring at his friend. I didn't even know Ryker had other close friends. I mean, I've asked him once before we were together but he said, "I'm different." and just changed the subject.

"I'm Ethan, that's Zavier," he pointed to the shorter one, "and that's Liam." The one in front, Ethan, said.


"Mason. We know." Theo said smirking.

"Or Princess. He likes to call you that." Zavier said. I
looked at the ground, which made them all laugh. Why would he tell them that, that's so embarrassing!

"Can I have all of your numbers?" I asked suddenly. If they're Rykers friends then they're my frends too.

"Woah aren't we moving a bit fast?" Ethan asked, laughing a little, which did make me simile. I handed my phone over and all three of them put their numbers in.

"Text if anything happens, or if you wanna hang out." Ethan said smiling. I nodded and they left, leaving me dumb founded. I'm still mad that I didn't know about them! And I feel bad for keeping Ryker to myself all the time.

Weil, not that bad.

Later on today I'll make a group chat with all five of us. We're going to start hanging out all together because I feel bad for keeping Ryker away from his friends.

"Hey!" Darren said as he walked up to me all happy like. I smiled back lightly, walking with him out of the school.

"Heard anything?" He asked me

"Nope. I'm going over to the house right now to hang out with Rachel for a little bit." I said.

"Since when have you and his sister been friends?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

"I mean we have always been cool, but since Rykers been in the hospital we've been hanging out more. We're not super close or anything but she feels better when I'm there, so I just chill with her." I said.

"Alright, I'll see you later then. Text me?" He said. I nodded and he smiled, patting me on the back and going to his car.

I walked to my car, getting in and starting it up. I turned on the radio, practically blasting it, to keep myself distracted. I don't want to worry about Ryker right now, I'm trying to stay in a positive mindset.
Ive felt nothing but guilt ever since he's been in the hospital, I can't help it. I know that I shouldn't be blaming myself completely, but I can't help but feel like I'm partially to blame

I drove to Rykers house, parking and getting out the car. I let myself in, going upstairs.

"Rachel, it's me." I said knocking on her room door.

"Come in." She said. I walked in and she was on her bed, sitting up and typing on a laptop.

"Hey girl." I said, laying down on her bed. "Guess what happened today?"

"What?" She asked, peeking around her laptop.

"I met Ethan, Liam and Zavier for the first time." I said.

"Oh really? I'm surprised you haven't met them before, they're really nice." She said.

"I know right! I've never even heard of them until today. They walked up to me asking about Ryker they told me they were his friends." I said.

"Yeah they've been friends for a while. Ethan the longest though." She said, trailing off as her face turned a light shade of pink. I smirked, peeking around the laptop.

"Hey Rachel." I said smirking,

"What?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Do vou just so happen to, I dunno, like Ethan?" I asked She flushed then, biting her lip.

"Is it that obvious?" She asked. I squealed, sitting up.

"You really do? I'm definitely getting you two together I don't care what I have to do." I said clapping my hands

"Stop! Don't start he doesn't like me like that." She said, shaking her head.

"You never know girl, take a chance! He could be really into you." I said. I wouldn't doubt it if he did like her, she's a pretty gid, and she's nice.

"Shut up." She said.
"Hey I'm trying to get your man-

"Shhh! Shut the fuck up for a second." She said, cutting me off. I shut my mouth, looking at her crazy. Girl who you telling to shut the fuck up?
I was about to start talking, and cursing her out, again when I heard it.

The ringing.

We looked at each other quickly, before both of us stood up and sprinted out of the room. We ran down the stairs, me taking two at a time, running towards the house phone.

I made I first, picking up the phone. "Hello! Hello?" I said out of breath. Rachel was next to me, not making a single sound.

"Hi, is this the Wright houschold?" The lady asked.

"Yes yes, is this about Ryker?" I asked stupidly, Of course it's about Ryker who else would it be about.

"Yes. He's awake now and asking to see his family, so if you'd like you can come." The doctor said.

"We'll be there in ten minutes." I said smiling. I hung up the phone, smiling at Rachel.

"Well, what did they say Mason don't just stand there looking at me all crazy!" She said, by I could
tell she already knew by the happy tears that were welling up in her eyes.

"He's awake."

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