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"Mason, you kissed him. How low can you get?" Darren asked. I turned to him, shooting him a dirty look. Kelsy had come up with the great idea that we should all watch a movie together and be friendly. I tried, tried to act normal, but Darren was glaring me down to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I had to say something.

"How low can I get? You're making it sound like I kissed a family member or something." I said.

"You're nasty." He said.

"Daren, its really not that big of a deal. You kissed me and I didn't make a big deal out of it, so what's the fucking difference?" I asked. It's pretty much the same shit besides the age difference, I'm not getting where his anger is coming from. A kiss means nothing.

"The difference is he's you're bully you dumbass! You let a guy who beats you up for his own personal entertainment, seduce you." He said.

"He was my bully, now he's not. Besides, he had his reasons." I defended quickly, maybe a little too quickly. I don't know why I'm defending him per say, but I feel like I have to. I'm not going to let him run Rykers name through the mud. Sure, he's made mistakes, a lot of mistakes, but obviously he has a lot going on.

"He has his reasons? have you lost your fucking mind? Do you hear yourself?" He yelled. "So what now, you're going to go around kissing every asshole at our school?"

"First of all, he kissed me! I didn't initiate or ask for him to do it, It's not like I was begging him to attack me in the nurses office! And secondly, why does it matter who I kiss it's not your business!" I growled.

"How is it not my business? You're my best friend Mason!" He yelled.

"You guys please don't argue. All you two do nowadays is argue." Kelsy begged, looking at the both of us.

"Correction, one of my best friends. And right now you're acting less like a best friend and more like a jealous boyfriend!" I yelled at Darren, ignoring what Kelsy said. I'm not even going to address her because if it wasn't for her fat mouth we wouldn't even be arguing right now. She just had to tell Darren about the kiss, like he needed to know.

"I just want to help you Mason. I don't want to see you getting beat up like before, or maybe even worse." He said.

"Well what if I don't want your fucking help!" I snapped. He looked at me for a moment, before he flashed an angry expression and stood up, storming out of the room.

"Dare wait!" I said, but he was long gone. I groaned, slumping deeper into the couch. Ugh, I shouldn't have yelled, but at the same time I don't feel bad. He was pressing me, and it was pissing me off.

"Good job Mason." Kelsy said in an annoyed tone.

"How is that my fault Mrs. Big Mouth? He's the one getting upset over stupid shit." I rebutted.

"You have to see it from our perspective Mason. This boy who's been beating you senseless for years, all of a sudden starts warming up to you. Its awfully suspicious, especially a kiss. Like, since when is Ryker Gay?" She said.

"Its not suspicious, and he's not gay." I retaliated, but deep down she was a little right. It's strange, but I don't think Ryker would go to these lengths just to mess with me.

"It's not?" She asked. "Don't you remember the days when you would come over crying, begging us to help you cover bruises. Or when you sprained your wrist from falling down after Ryker shoved you, and you didn't tell anybody for a whole week, do you remember that?"

"Yeah but..."

"But nothing Mason. Your friendship with him isn't normal. What could he possibly want from you all of a sudden?" She asked, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

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