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"I have an idea." Ryker said to me randomly as he walked me to my classroom.

"What?" I asked. I already have a bad feeling about this.

"Let's have a sleep over." He said.

"Okay." I said shrugging. That's it? I was expecting
something totally different than that.

"No, I mean like me, you, Rachel and Riley. All four of us." He said. There it is, there's the crazy.

"Are you out of your mind?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"No, I'm just trying to find a way for all of us to get
together and be friends. That's all." He said.

"You can't be serious." I said, looking at him. If he thinks I'm having a sleep over with that wrench, then he is fucking bugging. I don't want to be anywhere near her.

"I'm not kidding." He said. "I think it's a good idea."
"In what world is that a good idea?" I asked. "You know I don't like her. She likes you and the way she acts around you doesn't sit well with me."

"Oh calm down. If you're there everything will be fine. She's going to end up sleeping over anyways for Rachel. Wouldn't you rather be there?" He asked.

"You have a point. But still, I don't want her sleeping over. Why do I have to be nice to her?" I asked.

"I'm not saying you have to be nice to her per say, I'm just saying I'd like you to be cordial with her." He said.

"I am cordial with her! She's the rude one." I said.

"Oh yeah, because telling someone to screw a light bulb up her vagina is warm and friendly." He said laughing a little bit.

"Well c'mon! She was trying to be all sexual when talking about screwing in a light bulb! Like how desperate can you get?" I said.

"And then you kissed me in front of her on purpose. Didn't you think that was a little desperate on your part?' He asked. Oop, he noticed I did that huh? I mean, it was pretty obvious.

"Hell no, you're my boyfriend. I'll do that whenever I want." I huffed. He rolled his eyes, leaning down to peck me on the lips quickly.

"Well talk about this more later. I gotta go. Love you." He said.

"Love you too." I said. He smiled, sending me a quick wink before leaving down the hallway.

Yeah, hell no. That's not fucking happening, I don't care what he says. I'm not sleeping over his house with that dumb broad.

He's trying too hard to make me like her and it's not happening. I brooded about the idea until the end of the day, when we met up by his car.

"Have you thought about it?" He asked, kissing me quickly.

"Yup." I said, walking around to the passenger's side. We got in and I buckled the seat belt, looking at him.

"Well?" He urged.

"Well, I've come to the decision of hell no." I said sweetly.

"Oh my God, why hell no?" He asked.

"Because I don't trust her! It's not happening." I said simply,

"Okay, enough. For once things are going to go the way I want them to go. The sleep over is happening, I don't care what you say. And if you don't come you don't fucking come, but I won't be responsible for anything that happens because you're not there." He

"So what you're telling me is, if something happens because I'm not there, you're not holding yourself responsible?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yup." He said, starting up the car.

"Okay." I said bluntly. "Bring me home then."

"What?" He asked.

"Take me home then. You want to go have a sleep over with her go ahead, just drop me off at my house." He said.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yup." I said. He mumbled something under his breath but headed for my house like I asked.
Once we got there I went to go unlock the door, but he just locked it again. "What?" I asked, looking at him.

"Are you serious?" He asked for the second time.

"I should be asking you that." I said, quickly unlocking the door and getting out. He got out too, following behind me.

"Why? What did I do!" He yelled behind me.

"Are you kidding me? Did you not hear what you said in the car?" I yelled, opening my front door. Ryker followed me in, closing the door behind him.

"Who said you could come in?" I asked, walking towards the stairs so I can go to my room.

"Me, we're not done, why do you have an attitude?" He asked as he followed me up the stairs. I growled, swinging open my room door.

"The same reason I have an attitude every time! Riley's dumb ass is always the center of our argument!" I snapped. I'm so fucking tired of having this same argument over and over, I just want her to go back to where she came from.

"Why though? You're so damn over dramatic." He said.

"I'm over dramatic? Ryker, you said whatever happens you're not being responsible for. That's like me saying I'm going over to Darren's and if he fucks me I'm not responsible for it."  I said

"How? That doesn't make any sense!" He said.

"That makes perfect sense dumbass." I said. "I don't trust that girl around you and that's it!"

"So, do you have no trust in me? It doesn't matter if you don't trust her, your trust in me is all that fucking matters," He snapped.

"Of course, I trust you but me trusting you won't stop her. She kissed you when I was right downstairs, I can't imagine what kind of shit she'd try to pull if I wasn't there." I yelled.

"But Mason, I don't get what the big deal is." He said. Holy shit, is he dumb?

"The big deal is that I fucking love you, I love you so much that it hurts and I'll fuck her up if she tries to take you from me, okay?" I mouthed off crossing my arms. He looked at me, not saying anything, as his face slowly started turning pink. He tried to turn his
face so that I couldn't tell, but it was too late.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked.

"I'm just...touched that you care about me so much." He said, stepping towards me. "I'm sorry Mason, I really am. I promise, nothing is happening between Riley and I. I will try to draw some lines in the sand with her, create some hard boundaries. Just please, come to the sleepover. I want you to be there."

I sighed, looking at him. I'm so sick and tired of arguing about this girl, but I'll try this one last time to be good. "If anything goes wrong, I'm done. I mean it."

"I know." He said, kissing me sweetly.

"Don't fuck this up." I said.

"I won't. I love you." He said. I kissed him again, letting his words float in the air. This Riley shit is really beginning to bother me, and my patience is wearing very thin.

God help us all.

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