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"I'm going out on Friday." I said at the dinner table. My parents looked at me, happiness on their faces, I don't usually say that, so they're probably surprised. And relieved that I actually have a social life.

"Oh really? Is it with that girl you have yet to tell us about?" My mom asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah." I lied. My mom smiled wider, and I could feel the questions before she even said anything.

"When will we get to meet this mystery person anyways?" My mom asked, tilting her head slightly.
No time soon.

"Ugh I dunno. They're kinda shy." I lied again. I feel bad for lying but what else am I supposed to do? Tell
her me and Ryker are... Whatever we are? Hell no. Coming out as whatever I am isn't on my to-do list for today, or any day.

"Well make it soon, I hate when you keep your girlfriends from me." She said. I nodded, going back to my food. Ryker and I are going to see a movie on Friday, just a cliché ass date, but I'm actually really excited. It's not anything super special but I'm excited either way. I wns kind of skeptical about
going with him, knowing full well what his intentions are, but I said yes.

Hopefully my mom will get off my back about meeting this "girl" that I'm involved with, ya know. I haven't even thought of when or how I'm going to really come out to my parents yet.

How will they react? My mom will probably be indifferent about it, she's had a couple gay guy friends over before. My dad though, I'm not sure. He hasn't ever really talked about it, but I don't think he's the type to welcome the thought with open arms

And how would I even come out? Am I gay? I dont
know, do I even have to label it? Can't I just say I like Ryker and just so happens to be a guy?

"Oh, by the way, we were talking with your therapist the other day." My mom said, looking at me. I felt a wave of fear fall over my body as I looked at my parents.

"Y You talked to her?" I asked. Did she tell them what said the other day? She promised not to tell That lying bitch, I'll slit her fucking throat next time I see her I swear to God.

"Yeah! She told us that that boy hasn't hit you in a while." She said smiling, I let put the biggest breath of relief ever in my life, smiling. Okay, no throat slitting will be needed today thank god.

"Yeah. We're actually friends now." I said.

"Friends? I don't know if I necessarily agree with that." My dad said worriedly. "That seems a little dangerous." Yeah, well if you really knew what was happening you'd flip shit.

"I's fine. He's a nice kid actually. I'm actually gunna invite him over here one day so you can meet him." I said. It's true, I want him to meet my parents, so he can get at least some good rep before I come out to my parents. Just not right now.

"Invite him over?" My dad asked, scrunching up his nose.

"Yeah. He's a bit moody but overall he's cool." I said
shrupping. My parents said nothing else for the rest of dinner, and after we were done I went upstairs to my room. 1 grabbed my phone, texting Ryker. We finally exchanged numbers once I asked him because I was tired of using Facebook up photos for my family to see. messenger. Who even uses Facebook anymore? I only use it to put up photos for my family to see.


Hey! What's up?

Nothing I just wanted to talk to you

Miss me? ;)

Maybe just a little bit.

Can I come over?

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