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"Are you Rykers family?" The doctor asked as she walked towards us. My anxiety spiked as I watched the doctor approach his mother.

"Yes! Yes how is he? Can we go see him?" His mom asked quickly. I just stood up next to Rachel, keeping my an wrapped around her. It was for her support but also for mine.

"Ryker had a grand mal seizure. It's caused my abnormal activity in the brain. They're very rare, about one in every 200,000, and usually look like what people think of when they think of seizures, about ten seconds of unconsciousness and around twenty seconds to a minute of violent muscle spasms." She said.

"Will he be okay though?" I asked.

"We're not sure." She said in all honesty, which scared me. "He's continuing to have minor seizures every once and a while."

"Fuck." Rachel cursed, covering her face as she began to weep.

"Why? What caused all this?!" I practically yelled, making the doctor flinch.

"Well we ran a few tests and he had ecstasy in his system and—"

"Ecstasy? Oh I know it was that stupid bitch." I cursed to myself. When I get my hands on her I swear to God she'll be seeing fucking stars.

"Anyways," the doctor continued. "He must've taken
medicine not too shortly after the ecstasy was in his system, because anti-depressant pills mixed with a drug like that caused serotonin syndrome. That's why he had a seizure. Good thing you called 911
when you did, because serotonin syndrome can be fatal if not treated." She said.

"Will he be alright?" I asked again. I know she already answered this question bit I still asked.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know. It all depends on him. As of right now he's in a somewhat comatose state, but if and when he comes to, he'll be a little confused, and may have some auditory and sensory abnormalities. I say your best bet is to go home and wait patiently, well shoot you a call if he wakes up." She said as a nurse walked up to her.

"He's seizing again." the nurse said to her quietly. She gave us a quick wave as she left with the nurse.
We all left the hospital building and I gave them hugs before they went to their car. Darren was waiting for me in his car, texting on his phone. When I got in the passengers side he looked
at me.

"Well? Is he okay?" He asked.

"No." I said. I couldn't really even process what the doctor had even said. All that's running through my mind is that dumb ass word that she kept saying.

If. If. If.

"What happened? Like, why was his teeth chattering and stuff?" He asked curiously.

"That fucking devil bitch drugged him and didn't tell him." I said, getting angry all over again. What kind of sick fuck drugs someone, and when they start
having a fucking seizure, run away? That's your fault! Take some responsibility. She's probably sitting at home right now brushing her hair or something stupid.

"That's fucking crazy. Do you think Ryker's going to press charges?" He asked.

If he wakes up.

"Darren. I'm a terrible person." I said lowly. That familiar sinking feeling I felt when I first heard he was in the hospital returning.

"What? Why?" He asked confused.

"Because, I should've said something, I was suspicious because he was acting weird, but I didn't say anything. I just...I just didn't say anything! And then when I was screaming at him he looked strange, but I was too busy being a fucking pussy about my
feelings to even acknowledge that!"


" And the doctor kept said if, if he wakes up, you know what that means? It means he could die! He could die, and I'd never get to talk to him or kiss him or hug him again!" I wailed, the severity of the situation setting in. Ryker could die. I could lose my


"And what of he dies thinking I hate him? What if I never get to tell him I'm sorry and that I love him! What if—"

"Mason!" Darron yelled, grabbing my hands. "Snap out of it! You can't think like that or you'll just put yourself in a worse mood. Don't worry, he'll wake up and you'll be able to see him again. You'll be able to apologize, and you'll be able to tell him you love
him, all that shit. But you can't blame yourself for what happened. Nobody saw it coming, so it's not your fault."

"But Darren—"

"Stop! Stop blaming yourself Mason. It's not your fault. Say it." He said.

"Darren, he could die! I couldn't live with myself if he does. I wouldn't be able to do it." I wailed.

"I's. Not. Your. Fault. Say it." He urged. I sighed, giving in.

"You're right. It's not my fault." I said, taking a deep breath and wiping the tears that slipped out without my knowledge.

"I'm taking you home. You need to get some good rest." He said, starting up the car. I nodded, looking down at my phone. I had missed calls from my parents. Great.

Even though Darren did make me feel better, I still feel a sense of guilt. It's my job to be there for him, and when he needed me most I was trying to fuck around with Darren to get back at him, which wasn't nice to Darren either, I know he has feelings for me and I tried to take advantage of that.

I'm a shitty person.

When we finally made it back to my house I gave Darren a hug, thanking him, and got out.

I walked in, and my parents were just standing in the
kitchen, talking lowly. When I walked in that bother looked at me, my moms mouth opening to yell at me I'm sure, but when she saw my expression she didn't say anything.

"Where have you been?" My dad asked in a half angry half worried tone.

"The hospital." I said bluntly,

"Why? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" My mom asked quickly, walking up to me, touching my face. I waved her hands away, smiling lightly.

"No, I wasn't there for me, I'm fine." I said, my mood quickly going back to grim.  "I was there for Ryker."

"What happened to him?" My dad asked.

"He has a seizure. Something happened at his house with some medicine and stuff and he had a seizure, so he was rushed to the hospital." I said. I'm sick of talking about this, I just want to go to sleep.

"Oh that's terrible, I should give his mother a call." My mom said, walking over to the house phone.
"Alright son, next time just tell us where you are. You had us worried sick or a minute there." He said, patting me on the back. I nodded, sulking upstairs to my room.

I flopped down in my bed, looking up at my ceiling. I
wanted to fall asleep, I wanted to just sleep and forget any of this happened and pretend like he was okay. But I couldn't. I knew he was in the hospital bed, I knew he was hurting, I knew he might never wake up.

And I knew that it was partially my fault.

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