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"So you think it's okay to come visit me at work?" Ryker growled.

I just so happened to be running a little bit late to school today, and with my luck Ryker was walking through the hallways at the same time. He dragged me into the janitors closet, and now I was stuck in the corner.

"I-I just wanted a coffee." I said.

"Did you really, or did you Judy want to annoy me?" He asked.

"I really just wanted a coffee." I said weakly.

"Liar." He said smirking. "Why were you late this morning?"

"What is this 21 questions?" I asked smartly. He frowned, shoving me roughly against the wall.

"Just answer the fucking question." He snapped.

"I woke up late, and then I couldn't find my car keys." I said quickly. He looked at me, not saying anything, almost like he was analyzing me to see if I was telling the truth or not.

"Um, why are you sta—" I started, but then I heard the clicking of heels coming down the hallway. Only teachers wear heels, maybe if I make enough noise or commotion I can get out of todays beating.

I tried to walk around him but he blocked my way. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He asked.

"I just want to go to class." I said lowly. I tried to step around him again but he just stepped in front of me.

"No. I'm not done with you yet." He said. I sighed, taking in a deep breath so I could scream at the top of my lungs, but he quickly grabbed me. He pulled my against his chest, hugging me close. It caught me so off guard I froze, closing my mouth.

I've never been this close to him when he want doing something physically harmful to me. He smelled of coffee and cologne, and odd but not bad mixture.

It wasn't long before the teachers footsteps faded always and be let me go, looking down at me. "I'm not in the mood for this anymore." He said, then left the janitors closet, leaving me there still in shock.

Thank the gods!

I slowly stepped out of the janitors closet, speeding to class. I guess God I'd really on my side today,he didn't even hit me! Oh happy days same here again!

Maybe I should get him a punching bag for Christmas, that way he won't have to take Al his anger out on me.

I walked into class and sat in my seat, the teacher shooting me a dirty ass look but saying nothing else. I put my head down on my desk and sighed. I tried to zone out and possibly get some sleep, but my brain was running a mile a minute.

Why did he let me go like that? That's not normal. Maybe he's trying to trick me so he can catch me off guard later on. Maybe I'll get double the beating because I missed one!

"Damn." I grumbled. Now I'm going to be nervous all damn day.


"Are you okay? You look really pale." Kelsy said as we sat at the lunch table.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just...earlier today something happened with Ryker." I said. Her eyes instantly darkened and a deep frown set on her features.

"What? Did you get hurt again?" She asked.

"No that's not it!" Earlier today he pulled me into the janitors closet, and he intended to beat me up. But he didn't, it was so weird." I said. she raised at brow at me.

"So...he basically pulled you into the janitors closet for no reason at all?"

"Basically." I said nodding. "But now I'm nervous that he only did it to lure me into a false sense of security so that when I'm not suspecting it he'll turn around and bop me in my head and—"

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