Chapter Thirty-Five

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Jimin's POV

Ever hear that saying when someone says, when you know you know. That's how I feel right now with Elle. She's pulling her dress back down after the shit we've just did. I could tell she was afraid to do it in a public toilet but that didn't stop her from sucking my dick.

Fuck and does she suck it good.

"You're so damn beautiful" I tell her

She smiles at me through the mirror "How did I even manage to smear my makeup?" she asks

I ignore that and help her with putting her shoes back on, "You still look beautiful, don't worry"

She turns and wraps her arms around my neck. "I love you"

I smile and kiss her softly "I love you too"

I so wanted to fuck her again, but I thought it was time to go home. After all, we did have sex for a solid 45 minutes.

"You didn't wear a hat" she whimpers

"You're so fucking cute, don't worry about that" I smile

She nods slowly

Over the rest of the week, Elle had to take sick days. She wasn't well at all. She was throwing up constantly and had a fever. I felt so bad that I had to leave her, but she insisted she was fine. 

She thought maybe she got food poisoning from that restaurant the other night. Maybe it was.

Sarah called last night, said mum was back to herself. I told her I would call over soon, also telling her that Elle wasn't feeling good, so I'd be straight home after work and I would call them later. It was nice to have both mum and Sarah know and meet Elle. All those girls that comprised my life before - it was as if they were phantoms - an entire invisible parade of entities that evaporated like smoke once I was through with them. It's horrific knowing there were so many, and the fact I don't remember most of them doesn't sit well with me either.

That waitress had me rattled. For a split second, I wondered if I had her, if she were simply trying to come back for more. That's the unwanted gift I've accidently given Elle. Every girl she sees will be a possibility - someone who had slept with her husband.


I keep trying it on for size.

I'm going to ask Elle to marry me. She'll probably want a long engagement - that is if she says yes. Maybe after she graduates, we'll make it official. But I'm okay with right now if she wanted. I'd crawl down the aisle on all fours if she asked just to have her next to me until I'm no longer breathing.

I open the front door and head straight to Elle's bedroom, she wasn't there. I went to mine next and she was laying on the bed watching a movie.

"Hey baby, you okay?" I ask plopping down next to her

"Hey, you're home early.....yeah, just haven't stopped throwing up"

I pout "Need anything?" I ask

She stretches out her arms and pouts

I slide up next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. Her hair is tangled, and the sharp smell of mouthwash plumes in the air.

I run my fingers through her hair, soft as not to hurt her. "How many times were you sick?"

"Why? Wanna keep score?"

"I just wanna know"


I raise my eyebrows "Come on, I'm taking you to see a doctor?"


"Because I'm concerned"

She smiles

I help her fill out a few forms, then let her lay over me in the waiting room.

A few people sit in the waiting area, each a good couple feet away from one another in an effort to avoid brewing a microcosm of germs in the unaired room.

"Jimin?" she looks up at me

"What's up?"

"Do you think you could ever hate me?"

I hid my smile "Hate you? Nope, not happening"

She nods slowly

"Why would you say that?" I ask

"I'm prone to making huge mistakes - like really big ones." She sniffles again, and this time I'm pretty sure she's crying.

My insides turn to stone when she says the words huge mistake. Am I the huge mistake? Maybe I'm the one who's making her sick.

The nurse calls us back and I help Elle into the small room.

"You don't have to stay." She shakes her head a little too aggressively as her cheeks fill with colour.

"Relax. I'm not going anywhere. And you don't have to feel embarrassed. I've participated in more public hurling sessions than I'd like to remember." I stroke the hair away from her face and give a weak smile. "You're family, baby. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried."

"Family?" Her hand covers her lips. Her eyes explode in crimson tracks at the mention of such an intimate bond.

A light knock erupts at the door followed by a giant beast of a man with a neck the size of a tree trunk.

"Shit," I mutter. 

"Hi Miss Martin, how are we?" he asks her

She shrugs. He glances at me "Boyfriend?"

"Yes sir"

He nods "So, what's been going on?" he asks

"She's been sick, throwing up all weekend," I offer.

"Diarrhoea?" He asks.

Elle averts her eyes and shakes her head. Not sure she would cop to it with me in the room. Maybe I shouldn't be here.

"Noro's not going around," he muses.

"We ate the same thing for dinner the other night and I didn't get sick." I pull a bleak smile. "Maybe you could run some tests, and see if she ate something she's allergic to - or something poisonous." I had to go there. I was thinking it for God's sake.

He lets out a gravelled laugh. "Let's start with a few more obvious suspects. We want to capture all the horses before we start chasing zebras. I'll have the nurse run a blood panel - probably just the flu. Elena - is there anything you suspect might be making you ill?" He gives a plain smile, his eyes dull out awaiting her response.

"Yes," she rasps. "And I'd like a pregnancy test to prove it."

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