Chapter Thirty Seven

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A few days pass and I decided to call see mum. I haven't seen her in a little while because I've been so busy with Elle. She hasn't really been feeling the best, which is why I try to see her every minute I can.

Both of us sit in her bedroom. "I've been so busy these past few months, I forgot about getting Sarah sorted for college"

I sigh "Mum, don't worry about that, Sarah is 17, she can handle this stuff herself. I had to"

She nods "I know, I've been so focused on myself, I didn't even have time for my own kids"

I place a hand on her leg "Don't worry about it, we turned out just fine"

She smiles rubbing my hand. "You're such a good boy"

"I found something earlier" She mentions

"Oh yeah?"

She handed me something, something that's going to be one of the most treasured memories I have ever known.

"You didn't give this to Mary," she says, cradling my grandmother's ring in the cup of her hand.

"Nope. Went store-bought, three months of imaginary wages down the drain, but I'm not too broken up over it."

"That's because I let you sell my vintage Beetle for the damn thing." Her marionette lines depress as she holds back a laugh. "Honey, you sure you're ready for this?" Her voice shakes as she hands me the round platinum band. It holds a simple diamond in the centre and winks in the light as if my grandmother herself approved of the situation.

"I'm more than sure."

"You could take your time - sew your wild oats. If she's really the one, things will work out in the end."

"Sewing my oats wasn't all it was cracked up to be."

"I figured those bad boy shoes never really fit you." She runs her fingers through my hair and lifts my chin in her direction.

"What about you?" I say after a few minutes of silence

"What about me?" She asks sitting up

"Are you writing off that chapter in your life, or are you wanting to still find someone"

She shrugs "There's always room for someone to love baby. Its just about finding that special person. Its all about time and place"

"I thought it was about destiny and soul mates," I say, half-teasing.

"It's mostly that." She winks. "A little magic now and again doesn't hurt either."

That's the exact ingredient I'm looking for to make this next moment with Elle most memorable - magic.


5th of March, remember that day.

I drive Elle and I both up north for a weekend away. I was so ready for this. I wasn't sure when I was going to do it but I was and I was so fucking ready. I have only known this girl a few months and I was already asking her to marry me. Should I wait? Definitely not.

"Where are you taking me?" She asks "And why did I need to pack a bag?"

I laugh "You'll ruin the surprise"

She pouts "Are we going to a hotel?" she questions

I ignore her. She doesn't like that. "We're nearly there babe"

We took a drive to a hotel and I parked the car. We were just going to chill for a bit, but a bit later, I have something a little better planned. At least I hope she thinks it's a little better. The truth is, I'm shaking like a virgin on prom night. My palms won't stop sweating. I keep wiping them down on my jeans, trying to get a grip as each moment passes.

"I have a gift for you." I bring her hand to my lips and press in a kiss.

"Another gift?"

I nod and hand her a box

She opens the box to reveal a pair of laced up heels "To go with your dress tonight"

She's shocked "You didn't have to do this."

"I wanted to." I press in a quick kiss and nod for her to open it.

"Do you like them?" I ask

She nods "They're perfect, oh my god"

She holds them up and admires them

"Thank you." Her eyes glitter with tears as she buries her arms in their warmth. She looks up at me from under her lashes and sighs. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I land my lips over hers and linger before pulling away. "Let's check them out." I help her put them on

"Wow" She breathes "I think I've died and gone to heaven, they fit like a glove" she moans

I laugh "Okay, take them off because they're for later"

"I'm so lucky to have you in my life" She warms my mouth with an exploratory kiss. For a second, I think maybe we should lie down right here, but I've got a ring burning a hole in my pocket and the sun is working against me.

"You look breath taking" I tell her

She smiles, doing a little spin "You don't look too bad yourself"

I made sure to look good tonight. But I don't even need to because I have this absolute beauty on my arm.

"This place is beautiful" Elle takes in the restaurant I've brought her too.

"Get anything, tonight is about you Ellie"


I hop out of the car, walking round to open the door for Elle.

"I don't think I can walk up here in these shoes" She admits

"There is a footpath until we get to the spot"

She nods "Are we going to that spot we were at before? The one your dad took you to?"

I nod "Need to talk to you"

She nods slowly pulling me in gently by the neck and loves me with her lingering kisses.

God, I want her right here in the frozen tundra of the Alexander estate. I envision us laid out like silhouette cut-outs, her hair sprayed out like ebony wings.

"Its so beautiful up here at night" she admits

I drop to my knees, and she follows me down.

I pinch my lips at the oversight. "You weren't supposed to do that." I can't hide the smile anymore. Joy has bubbled to the surface like hope unstoppable.

"Was I supposed to do this?" She unbuttons my jeans and looks up at me with a dare.

I pull the ring from my pocket before we have my hard-on splitting the difference between us as a lasting matrimonial memory.

"I love you, Elle." I draw in a ragged breath. "You saved me. You taught me to breathe and showed me how to appreciate the beauty in every single moment. I never want to be without you." I lick my lips, and the glacial breeze bites over them. "Ellie, I beg of you from the bottom of my heart - please, be my wife." I hold out the ring like an offering. My cheek slides up on the side, and I hold my breath as her eyes widen with disbelief. I give an apprehensive smile. "Marry me - yes, or no?

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