Chapter Seventeen

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This is Jimins friend Namjoon

Jimin's POV

Monday morning, Namjoon and I run side by side on the treadmill in the overcrowded gym. I wasn't sure why it was so packed today, but it was a little off putting. I couldn't concentrate at all.  A couple of girls across from us have all but resorted to smoke signals to let us know they're interested, and for the first time in a long time, there isn't anything in me that's up for a hot and sweaty quickie at the gym. Now, if it was Elle initiating the offer, I would take her right here in the middle of the room, with an audience.

"So, she doesn't want to have sex yet but she's okay with you touching her?" Namjoon barks back a laugh

I shrug "I don't want to rush her" I shutter

He looks at me in disgust "Maybe she could give a few pointers to Paula. Can you believe she thinks I was cheating on her on New Year's?"

"You tell her you were with me?" I flinch at the thought.

After I saw Elle surrounded by boys like that, I hauled ass outside and ended up confessing to Namjoon that I had more than a few feelings rolling around for Elle, that surprisingly, they weren't solely tied to my balls incessant urge to release some pressure. I used the L word for the first time in a long while, out loud, and not even my own ears could fucking believe it- Still not sure I do.

"Yeah, I told her I was with you" he catches the worried look on my face "Bro, relax I didn't rattle off any of that bullshit you were shovelling" he wipes down his forehead with the towel draped around his neck "I thought you swore off love and traded it in for, I believe the quote was, "Quick and dirty ass"

I try to shake the accuracy of his words out of my head "I thought so too. Don't worry You're not the only one who is disappointed in me"

I don't tell him that I got another call from Mary, then a text message to ask to meet up. I didn't want to drag Mary into every conversation.

I want Mary to be the ghost of every conversation, push her far back into my closet and close the door. I wish I could burn it down, torch every memory we ever made. And now, here she is, showing up just when things are shaping up in my life. Go figure.

She probably doesn't feel she did enough damage the first time around.

I drain the rest of my water and end up spilling the reserve down my chest.

"Watch the equipment, buddy, that's a three-thousand-dollar machine. You think getting your heart ripped out of your ass hurt like hell, wait until I come after you for restitution. How's the bed and breakfast going anyway, business mistreating you much these days?

A groan escapes my throat at the mere mention of that money pit.  "I handed the reins back to my mum last summer when I ditched my sanity. I should swing by and glance at the books"

He laughs "Wear safety googles, those books have a way of trying to knock you out. I should know. Hey, school starts back tomorrow. You ready to begin instructional duties?"

"Yup, already found my favourite student"

"No way"

"Yes" I say, exhilarated by the thought "Wrote up a syllabus just for her"

"I bet you did, you fucking perv" he says it with a marked sense of pride

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

Jungkook struts in with his thin frame puffed out, his glazed expression that lets me know he's already high as a kite at this early hour.

"I bet he rolls his points with your daddy's Benjamin's" Namjoon spits out exactly what I was thinking, and I give a little laugh, then an idea comes to me.

Play the field- Jimin ParkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora