Chapter Three

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This is the room she walks into, but imagine it without a bed and dark walls

"Whoa" I slap my hands over his chest and give a good shove "I'm not into that kind of thing. Sorry" I say, trying to manoeuvre my way from under him. "You're on a road show with your penis, and trust me, I'm the last person who wants to get in your way"

I turned and walked away as a bunch of girls speed over as if they knew him. My head started to hurt a bit from all that and I really just wanted to get to my dorm and sleep.

I glance back to Jimin, only to find he's once again surrounded by girls. His attention is anywhere but me.

My stomach cinches at the sight of all those bimbos pawing at him. An unexpected pang of jealousy spreads through my chest, and I force myself to look away.

"Nice," I whisper.

"Hey girl, you settling in alright" Grace comes up to me, grabbing me by the hand

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're here. I've had such a day" I sigh, hugging her

"Tell me all about it when we get to your new dorm, but first this is Hindley Carter" I turn to face a ginger girl with bright red lips.

"Hi, you must be Ellie, Grace has told me so much about you"

"Its Elle, but nice to meet you"

She apologises. "I see you've met Jimin" she nods over in his direction

She tips her head back and laughs, revealing a pair of light-up Christmas tree earrings hidden beneath her hair

"Do you know him?" I ask, sneaking a glance behind me

"Baby girl, everyone knows him"

I tilt my head

"He's a mess. Stay away from him. He had a rough time last summer, and now he's nothing but a ball of testosterone on fire."

"He was shat on" Grace spoke up

I was confused.

Dean struts by, with a pair of dark framed glasses firmly planted over his face. He was the head of this campus and after Sam sleeping with him, causing my life to be so much better and so Collegey, if that's even a word. I knew it was him. He called me a week ago, arranging my room stuff, and he promised he would send a car to pick me up.

Did he fuck.

"Hey! How's is hanging"

He looks at me funny "Elle Martin?" I tell him

He tilts his head

"The party was fun and all but I sort of just want to get settled in my room. Can I have the key"

Dean secured me a dorm on campus, which is really hard to do since they're usually booked by August, and here it is December, so I guess it's sort of my Christmas miracle.

"Hey Elle, how are you?" He asks

"Cut the chit chat, where is my room key, you've fucked me over this past week with promises, and I am so tired from driving all this way" I tell him

"You drove fifteen minutes"

"That's a long time in my books" I point my finger at him

He shakes his head "Just because Sam and I have history and she has called in a favour for you, don't think I'm going to play nice guy"

"No, you will play nice guy, or I'll tell everyone"

He rolls his eyes.

"Follow me" He says

We walk along a narrow corridor and he takes me up one flight of stairs. Down the hall to the left, he stops at a dorm room.

"Punch in the code" He says

I stared up at him and asked, "The code?"

He jerked his head to the keypad by the door "I sent you a code"

I nod, I open up my phone and sure enough there was a five digit code. Then I lifted a hand and pushed open the unlocked door. As I did this, I could swear I heard the quiet hiss of an indrawn, pissed off breath but when my head quickly turned to him at the sound he simply drew us through.

Once inside, I stopped "Please tell me I'm not staying here?" I say

He shrugs "Best I could find you at such short notice"

I shake my head "There isn't even a bed here"

He laughs "Don't black mail me then"

I turn to face him

"I have way more secrets about you than you do about me, so I would watch what you say"

I shake my head

"You're just going to leave me here?" I ask

He shrugs "Stay with Grace then if you're being fussy"

I shake my head. I knew this was too good to be true.

"You're going to have to crash here a few nights, just until I get everything squared away with the housing department. Turns out I didn't get your name in on time." He rolls his eyes as if little details like that were annoyingly unimportant. "But you're on a waiting list - put you there myself."

"I really hate you. And here I was thinking I got the best room in the place"

"You aren't that special"

"You're an asshole"

"Suit yourself." He starts walking away.

What the fuck am I going to do?

I scan the room for Grace or even Hindley. Surely they have a spare room in their room or even a couch. I pick up my pace and begin circling the room. Hindley cackles from the entry, and I catch them heading outside.

"Wait!" I bolt for my suitcase before manoeuvring toward the door, but navigating my way out of this human maze is like moving boulders.

I make it to the porch, and the cool dew baptizes me with the scent of night jasmine. My suitcase bounces out of the house from behind and slices a nice, clean gash into my ankle.

I look up to see a black jeep pull away with Hindley in the passenger seat. "Great" I let out a hard sigh and plop down the rest of the stairs like I actually have someplace to go.

A couple to my right laughs while locked in an embrace. Its not until they pull away do I see its Jimin and a tall blonde girl

He catches my eye and holds it a second before glancing down at my suitcase. My stomach explodes with heat at the sight of him. Jimin whispers something in her ear, inspiring me to turn away as if I were at a bus stop waiting for my invisible ride - only I'm not. I'm stuck at Liberty.

"Hey Ellie" Jimin walks up to me

"I would have pegged her for a homerun," I say.

"She was." He gives a lopsided grin and takes a hold of my suitcase. "But I'd rather grab a bite off you."

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