Chapter One

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This is Elle's two best friends, Sam and Grace. Sam has the dark hair and Grace has blonde. 

I was the girl that done everything her friends asked her to do. Stupidly.  Grace and Sam two of my bestest friends ditched me at yet another party and for some reason I knew this was going to happen, yet I still came thinking maybe this time they've changed and will stay by me, but I can't ask them to do that. I can't stop them from mingling with other people, especially when they know people here. Maybe it's because I am new and don't know very many people, but I'm sure that will change.

I guessed Sam was upstairs with Jungkook and Grace was probably in the middle of the dance floor. I wasn't surprised, Sam had a massive crush on Jungkook, it was insane. Grace and I told her time and time again that he was a player and that he wasn't worth the stress. But like me, Sam wants to fuck, and doesn't want to love, but I know deep down inside she does and that's what scares her, but mostly me. Sam saw him as the golden egg and didn't care what anyone thought, especially her friends. If we told her he was a serial killer she would still go for him.

I won't lie, he is an eye catcher, and he did make your stomach do flips. But he was a jerk. This was impossible to miss. He was something else, something I couldn't put my finger on, something I didn't like. Even though he was a quick and easy fuck, it wouldn't turn out right after.

After being here for almost three hours, I started to get bored. I was alone and I certainly wasn't moving from this spot to try and find my friends. I hadn't wanted to be here for a while and I was considering making a move but then something caught my eye, or should I say someone.

Every thought flew from my head as I caught sight of him and blinked.

Then I stared.

He was tall. But not too tall that you would break your neck to look at him. He was wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans, typical bad boy look. His hair was black, which looked dyed. He had on black boots as well. He reminded me of how Harry styles use to dress. Other than that, with his side to me, I couldn't take anything else in.

And I really didn't try.

I was fascinated by it all, but my attention was taken by his face. His features, even mostly in profile, were striking. Not perfection but so intensely masculine I'd never seen anything like it. It was almost unreal.

I wasn't the only one who noticed him. I saw a few girls glancing at him. He was angry. He looked like he was about to beat someone up.

It was terrifying. Utterly.

"Hey, there you are" My attention turned to Grace, who had finally approached me.

"Hey, I was wondering where you went"

"I needed fresh air; the smell of body Oder is blocking my pores"

"You're so dramatic. Have you seen Sam?" I laugh

She shakes her head "Must be with Jungkook, want to go look for her?"

My eyes scanned back to mystery guy, but he vanished. Part of me wanted to see him again. I was a woman, and he was the kind of man a woman would look at.

I took this as my cue to be gone.

I put my drink on the black marble countertop and started to make my way outside.

I felt really good about myself tonight, more than ever but the thing is, I move into my new dorm tomorrow and the thought of that, mixed with a hangover and a late night wasn't working with my anxiety, if even, it made it worse. That's what gets in the way of all thing's sex, my stupid fucking anxiety. I knew this was going to be my new life now, but somehow, even my crazy sexual side was like 'No Elle, take a step back' does that even make sense?

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