Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Elle's POV


I cant stop staring at the beautiful ring he holds between us as we kneel in this frozen version of heaven. Everything in me surges. An explosion of brand new feelings go off inside me like fireworks, so potent and viral, they put excitement and wonder to shame.

Through the eye of this ring is a portal, a bright shiny path to a future with him. It comes with a promise, backed by love, and everything in me sighs with relief because the very thing I decried as a fallacy, materialized in the only person I have ever wanted. And now, he held something tangible for me to have and to hold, from this day on.

"Yes!" It drills from my lungs, loud and capricious - crisp as the air that sings it back to me in an echo.

"Yes?" He looks unsure as if maybe he dreamed it.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" I lunge into him with a swarm of wild kisses, salted with tears. I have never felt so whole, so happy and overwhelmed all at the same time.

"It was my grandmother's ring. I hope you don't mind."

"God, no. It's beautiful. I'm touched it belonged to her." I shiver into him. "And it fits. That's a miracle."

"You could trade it in, or we could get you something different for the wedding. I just thought it'd look gorgeous on you, and I was right." His gaze never dips from mine.

"I don't want anything different. This is perfect. You're perfect."

He places a kiss to my cheek before melting a kiss over my lips as he runs his hands up my back. The same arms that will love me tomorrow and the day after that until eternity unravels like a spool.

Jimin makes love to me right here on top of his coat.  He blesses me with a kiss, soft and careful as his tongue strokes over mine. Its mad how he satiates me from the inside out with a pull of dizzying affection. I memorize his touch, take in his scent, fill my ears with every errant sound that emanates from his throat. Everything about him makes me greedy for more. He covers me with his body and buries himself inside me in the most intimate way.

This is all I want.



Monday morning rolled by so fast, it was like I blinked and the weekend was over.

I was in the lunch hall with Grace, she was still torn up about the whole Hoseok situation. I felt like such a bad friend by not talking about it but clearly she didn't want me to. Usually when she's dating someone or when someone fucks her over, all she does is talk about it, this time she hasn't opened her mouth, even the other week at the diner, she never really spoke.

"Thought I'd find you in here" Marys voice booms from behind me, making me jump a little.

"Hey Mary"

She sits down next to me "I noticed the bling on your finger from the hallway" her eyes magnify and retract at the sight of the shiny band of platinum.

"His grandmother's." I hold it out for her to inspect and her face turns a strange ashen shade. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Her lips pinch tight. "So how'd he do it? It's Jimin isn't it?"

"He took me on a weekend away, we went to this restaurant and then we drove to his special location"

"Special location?" she asks

I nod "Somewhere his dad use to take him"

She nods slowly

"It was this place that looked like heaven on earth, and he dropped to his knees - made love to me after, right there in the field like we were the only two people in world," I say it low, mostly to myself as I relive the memory. A thread of heat rises through me, and suddenly it's too warm inside the jacket, inside the boots he bought for me with his careful attention to my needs. "He's perfect."

She huffs into my admission. "I bet his last fiancée thought so, too." She shrugs as if I should already know this. "Does he ever talk about her?"

The ground beneath me sways for a moment. I knew Jimin had a girlfriend, but he's never brought her up. For sure he never mentioned an engagement.

I pretended like I knew.

"No, he doesn't say much."

"Funny." She smirks "For a couple that's supposedly so in love, you don't seem to know a lot about him. Then again, he probably doesn't want you to find out why they broke it off."

Why they broke it off? "Do you know why they broke it off?"

"Oh..." She grunts with marked aggression, "I do know. They crashed and burned." She says it with an exaggerated sadness as if there's an irony in there somewhere. "He cheated. He's prone to wander. But you know that. He's slept with at least five hundred girls. He's got pig's blood coursing through his veins just like his daddy."

A breath gets caught in my throat. She so did not go there.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I turn to face her, anger covering my whole body.

She gives a solid laugh "Its true, but you're one of those girls who needs to find things out the hard way, I can tell."

"Mary, don't!" Grace warns

"Don't what?" I turn to look at her.

She turns away and doesn't look at me. She knows something.

The sudden urge to slap her rails through me, and the only thing stopping me is the fact a bitch like Mary would most likely file assault charges.

"Boy" - a frustrated laugh gyrates through me - "someone really screwed you over, didn't they?" This is the last conversation I'm ever having with this psycho. I'm sorry I ever sat on this side of the room.

She needles me with those dark, brooding eyes. Her face is hard as flint with all of the sweetness drained right out of her.

"You're right. Someone really screwed me over. Or maybe I did it to myself."

I sit in silence, taking a sip from my cup

"He still loves her. You know that, right? That's the reason he never brings her up- because it hurts so bad. He'll always love the girl he was going to marry. You don't really want to be second place in his heart, do you?"

I pack my things and turn to go, but she catches me by the elbow.

"Look" - she closes her eyes briefly - "I'm only trying to do you a favour. I never want you to feel as bad as I do. There's someone special out there for you, babe. It's just not him. His heart still belongs to me"

My stomach lurches. I scoot the hell back, knocking down a plate like dominos and half the room erupts from the chaos.

This is her?

She never once said so, and yet she listened as I told her the intimate details of our relationship.

I run out of the building.

I never plan on going back.

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