Chapter Thirty Six

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Elle's POV

All of the colour bleeds from Jimin's face. I sigh. I needed to know. The thought was going through my head and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Maybe I needed to take one just to be sure.

"You want a seat?" The doctor tries pushing a chair towards Jimin but he shakes his head

"I'm fine"

The doctor leaves the room. Jimin turns to me

"Pregnant?" His brows dip into a sharp V, and it makes him look undeniably provocative.

"You're going think this is funny." I open my mouth to tell him all about my egregious oversight at the free clinic then remember his seventeen-year-old sister is tangled in that web as well.

"I'm going to think what's funny?" He tilts his head because he so knows it's not.

"Oh, um... you see..." Fuck. Fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck. This isn't going to end well. Jimin is going to explode when he finds out I couldn't figure out how to use a simple birth control pill. "I..." Words dam up in my throat, and I hesitate in spewing out a sea of lies.

"Is this what you thought I would hate you for?" He huffs a laugh. "I could never hate you. And something like this - you didn't do anything wrong." He pulls back, and his lips twist as he considers this." Besides, you can't be pregnant. You're on the pill." His face swells with relief. "All that puking messed with your brain. You must have forgot."

My mouth opens to correct him, and nothing but air comes out.

"You're not on the pill?" He says it pressured, his face flooding with panic.

God, he's going to think I'm a liar - that I'm one of those girls who feels the need to fill a void in her life by "planning" a pregnancy. Right about now he's probably thinking that whole virgin thing was a ruse, too.

"Babe? What's going on? Talk to me" He's got a frightened look on his face that suggests he just realized he's been drilling without hardware.

The nurse comes in and instructs me to follow her- so I do.

When I finally make my way back to the tiny white room, Jimin has long since defected. I bet he's clearing all my crap out of his house right this minute - ransacking his wallet for the receipt on that dress he bought.

I should have known it would be my own stupidity that would ruin things between the two of us and not some fictitious inclination in him to "cheat"

Face it. We're over. And now we're going to have a baby of all things to remind us both for the next eighteen years what a complete idiot I am.

I sigh and fall back into the seat

The nurse walks in and jolts me back to reality.

"Elena Martin?" She gives a knowing smile. "I have your results."

After the nurse breaks the news, I speed out of the bowels of the medical facility and through the waiting room, hoping to chase down Jimin's car but it's still safely parked in the lot.

I spin around, and there he is with that sexy, devilish grin. He wraps his arms around my waist and plants a full kiss on my lips that neither feels like a felony in the making, nor angry in the least.

"So tell me" - his breath evokes a plume of fog, round as a halo - "am I going to be a father?" He expels it with such peace, such wonder and beauty, that for a fleeting moment I wish it were true.

"Not this time." I give a wry smile. "But you just might get the flu."

"The flu?" He touches his forehead to mine as he breathes a sigh of relief. "I was sort of rooting for the baby."

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