Chapter Twenty

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This is Taehyung

Jimins POV

I hated the cold weather. The way it made my skin feel wasn't good. The only thing getting me through this walk over to the cinema, was the fact that Elle was waiting for me on the other side of them doors. She looks hotter than hell in her skinny jeans, her cute top and her hair all wavy but unfortunately, judging by her blue limbs and purple lips, she's about to turn into the world's cutest Popsicle. I did happen to notice she's lacking in the winter coat department. If I didn't need every dime to eat, I'd help her out. Might just do that anyway.

"So, who's your friend bringing?" She glows as she looks up at me.

A cold chill tingles through my spine at the idea Elle might have thought she was my date.

Taehyung speeds in this direction before I can rectify the situation with Charlotte hot on his heels. Her hair flows down her back like a flame, and she's wearing those thigh-highs she's famous for. I've seen her in them at least a couple times with nothing else but a smile.


"Oh my god" Charlotte lunges at me and hikes her legs around my hips. "I have missed you!" She pokes her finger in my stomach before dipping down to my crotch. "But I've missed you even more," she sings.

"Whoa!" I set her down

"Did you like how I did you this morning" She whispers into my neck

I sigh "Stop Charlotte"

"You want more. They have a decent size toilet here"

I shake my head afraid to look over at Elle.

My hand went out and curled around the edge of the counter. What the fuck was happening.

"Answer me."

Oh God. "You need to stop"

"You don't like it when I stop. You keep telling me to suck harder"

I close my eyes for a brief moment.

Okay, now I was getting angry.

I watched thinking she really looked good flirting with me like that, but I had something better right behind me and im sure she could hear everything Charlotte was saying. She didn't care though, she would fuck me right here, she wouldn't care who was watching.

Her laughter died down to a chuckle "Maybe later then?"

I grab her wrist and she curses out, "Fuck"

"You been lookin' into me?"

She nods slowly

"Well I'm with someone right now, so you better pipe down before I do something that will fuck you up. Don't dare try to embarrass me in front of anyone including Elle"

She glances behind me and smirks "Hmm, didn't think you were into geeky nerdy girls"

I twisted her arm a little harder and she winched "You're hurting me"

I glance at Elle. Her lids hang low. I can't tell if she's pissed or about to cry. She wraps an arm around Taehyung and it's only then I notice they've both accessorized with their matching purses. Something about it rubs me the wrong way, even if it was accidental.

"I guess it's me and you, Tae," she says it sultry, like she means it.

My stomach clenches just witnessing the unholy encounter. 

Shit. This isn't going as planned. And what the hell did I plan anyway? Driving her wild with jealousy so she could home in on any feelings she might have for me? And now Taehyung is getting all the attention.

"Let's do it." I pull Charlotte in by the shoulder and lead us over to the ticket counter.

We all agree on a horror movie, The conjuring 2. I suppose I'm the damned tonight for shoving a perfectly good Elle in my horny best friends direction. Charlotte would be the restless in this equation since she's already felt up my crotch a half a dozen times, no matter how hard I try to evade her efforts.

"I'm buying." Taehyung volunteers like its some heroic effort on his part. Nothing like being financially emasculated by him to further toss the night into the crapper.

Elle glances back at me and smiles, a sad smile?

Do I detect that Elle is, dare I say, jealous? My adrenaline kicks in at the prospect. I sling an arm over Charlottes shoulder, inspiring her to snuggle in deeper. I believe this is feeding in beautifully to my original misguided intentions. And, since we've already met up with the green-eyed monster before getting out the gate, I'd say the evening is off to a pretty damn good start. I'm hoping at the end of the covetous rainbow lies a pot of golden affection. And right now there's nothing more I want than Elles affection.

But I don't think I'm going to get it.

"You guys mind if we sit by you?" Elle leans into Charlotte

My heart thumps a little faster at the idea of Elle wanting to sit together.

"We can trade Gummy Bears and Sour Patch Kids." She nods at Charlotte

I lead us over to the middle right, my usual landing place. I don't care what anybody says, it's the best place to see a movie. I let Taehyung slide in first, then Elle and I'm quick to file in after her.

First of all, I'm not that into horror flicks. If really want to scare the crap out of myself, I'll consult the file marked "student loans." I nearly shit a brick the last time I looked at the running total.

There is nothing wrong with Charlotte, and I didn't mind her but I just felt so awkward sitting between a girl I fucked and a girl I want to fuck. When do I ever get awkward. Weird?

In fact, she happened to be at the gym when I was setting things up with Taehyung and overheard the conversation. She practically volunteered to be my date. I've slept with her at least twice, although the details are fuzzy. All I remember is her hair falling in my eyes while she rode me like a stallion.

The theatre dims to pitch and I envision Elle riding me like that - her long, glossy mane whipping me softly.

I move my jacket over my jeans in the event my spontaneous salute to Elle, decides to cause a scene.

I look over and note she's stealing sideways glances every chance she gets.

"Are you annoyed at me?" I ask her

She shakes her head without looking at me.

I sigh

My breathing grows erratic by the minute because I'm about to beat the shit out of my best friend for feeling up my girlfriend.

Did I just call her my girlfriend?

First, I'm talking love, and now I'm on the brink of some romantic commitment? I glance over at Charlotte - the lust-driven look in her eyes, her legs already parting with the invitation. I could have her if I want to. I'm sure there's an empty corner or bathroom stall just waiting for the two of us. She mentioned that anyway, so I knew she wanted me. It's obvious she'd be more than up for the challenge. But nothing in me wants to play that game again. It was empty, shallow, and felt like I was falling down a bottomless pit with no comfort, and no rest, and for damn sure nothing a box of condoms could cure.

Play the field- Jimin ParkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя