"Two vodka shots."

Come to think of it, I did have one shot in my life. Now it'll be two. I'm slowly expanding my horizons!

"You didn't seem like the vodka kinda guy to me." I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not."


"They're for you."

"Maybe I wanted whiskey, you don't know that." I huffed.

"Baby, you have the alcohol tolerance of a child." He smirked.

I heard Sayan snicker behind him. I flipped him off. "Why do you know the alcohol tolerance of a child? Which child are you giving alcohol to?Huh?"

Ritwik ignored me and put in his whiskey order.

"I want one too." I looked at the bartender.

"Coming right up." He smiled and turned to grab the bottle.


"It's cute that you think I need your permission." I rolled my eyes.


"Drink your own one and let me be." I huffed cutting him off. I didn't need him calling me baby in the bar and scaring off possible suitors!

The bartender poured both our drinks. Ignoring the shots, I tried to go for the whiskey but another hand grabbed it first. I glared at the perpetrator. "I will hide your paycheque, dipshit."

Sayan mocked me and proceeded to drink it.

"I'm gonna need your strongest drink on a budget. I'm hanging out with imbeciles." I grit out and downed one of the shots. My throat burned and my chest heated up. I still downed the other shot and looked at the bartender who had already moved to another customer. I waited until he looked at me and showed me a bottle that frankly, I didn't recognise.

"Absolutely not." Ritwik glared at the bartender. He looked at me sheepishly. "Don't look at her."

What's up with him today? Did he read one of my werewolf books or something?

He slammed something onto the bar table causing me to look. It was a wad of cash.

Yeah, he definitely read my books and misunderstood my preference.

"Do not give her anything besides vodka. Stop after three more."

The bartender looked at it and then at me then at the man offering him the cash. Ritwik lifted his hand up letting the bartender get a better look at the cash.

"I shouldn't have let you come with me. I'm going somewhere else." I was pissed off. I wasn't going to let him decide for me. I didn't even plan on drinking too much. Hell, I didn't even like the taste. But that didn't mean he could just do that.

I turned around and began to google 'night clubs near me' when I felt my arm being held for a second before the pressure was off. I turned around to give Ritwik a piece of my mind for trying to stop me and stared at a rather concerning scene.

Ritwik was blankly choking a man who kept hitting his hand and gasping for breath. Sayan stood behind him ready to attack if needed. The crowd around the scene moved without paying attention. One person looked like he was going to intervene but someone next to him whispered something into his ear and the man moved on to do whatever he was doing.

I watched in morbid fascination as the man's face changed colours and he scratched Ritwik's hand trying to get out.

I should stop it.

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