8. Should have kept the veil on

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This is chapter 8. Wattpad messed up my chapter orders and put chapter 7 after chapter 11 instead of after chapter 6. Please read that first and then come back to this chapter. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but if I try to fix this chapter order it will get worse. It has happened before to me but I have no idea why.


"Later. Not now."

Pratyush seemed satisfied by that, so, he nodded.

"Where now?" Ritwik asked me.

I gestured towards the right and began walking to the room.

Surprisingly, it was empty. I entered the room thinking that it probably looked empty from outside. Even that was weird.

But that wasn't the case. Not a single person was inside. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Then called Kanak. Ritwik and Pratyush entered the room after me and looked around, mirroring my confusion.


"Hey, Kanak. It's me, Dyuti Di."

"Yeah, I know. Say?"

There was a slight edge to her voice. The Kanak I knew was always annoyingly cheery. She would have launched right into how she's so happy I called and that she was about to call me, a lie, sure, but a welcome one. She knew I didn't like being called, so she never did.

"Where are you? Where's everyone else? The Bashor Room is supposed to be packed."

There was silence for a while then a different and malicious voice answered.

"Everyone left. No one wants to stay there. We went there for Riya's wedding, not yours. Maybe if you weren't such a rude, uneducated and disrespe-"

I cut the call. I wasn't going to put up with her bullshit. Kanak's mother was another one of my mom's three sisters. Never had any of them directly insulted me until that moment. But I guess they didn't like me refusing my uncle to act like my dad.

Fuck yourselves.

I took deep breaths trying to calm myself. But it wasn't enough. So, I brought my right hand up to my mouth and bit down hard. I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed heavily.

"What the hell?" Pratyush's voice brought me back to reality. He grabbed my hand and began to examine it like the doctor that he was. That didn't sit well with my touchphobic ass so I jerked my hand back and shrugged. "Just a bad habit."

Ritwik looked at us from the corner of his eye but before he could say anything, Pratyush spoke. "What happened? What did the person on call, say?"

"I called my cousin but her mom answered. Since everyone was here for Riya Di, they didn't feel like attending my wedding."


"As if they aren't the ones responsible for this." Ritwik muttered.

"What do you mean?" Pratyush asked.

Ritwik looked around quickly to see if anyone was in earshot. Finding no one he said, "Riya ran away so they basically forced Dyuti to replace her. Now, they're all acting like it's her fault."

Part of me wanted to justify their behaviour, after all they were my family. But I knew it was pointless. Pratyush and Ritwik were basically the same person. If one knew something, so did the other.

Pratyush scrunched his nose in irritation. The room started to feel too stuffy for me. I wanted to leave. Even if they were going to talk about it anyway, they didn't need to do it in front of me.

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