16. Reception 2

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Even though the Boubhat had begun a couple hours ago, it didn't feel as dramatic as it did after we stepped out of that room. It seemed like everyone was looking at us. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, I still felt their judgemental gaze. I chewed my lower lip and kept my gaze focused ahead. It was clear that we were the center of the attention.

"Good thing, I found you. The Su-" Molly cut herself off when she realised that Ritwik was there as well. "-Mr. Sinha is looking for you and Mr. Sinha."


I swore that if the old man tried to give me that stupid necklace publicly, I was gonna scream. I didn't need that kind of burden. I couldn't afford it.

"He wants to talk to your uncle and aunt." She replied nervously.

I grinned. "Really? Ugh! I wish I had some popcorn. This is gonna get real."

"You could get chips." Ritwik suggested.

I snapped my fingers like it was the greatest idea ever. "Good idea."

I turned to leave but Molly caught my elbow. "Where are you going?"

"Chips." I pointed at the section where the eating area was.

"Come on, you can't do that. That's rude." Molly said nervously.

"Her wedding. Her rules." Naira defended my childish behaviour.

"Sir?" She turned to Ritwik.

He just raised his hands in surrender.

"Do you want to miss it? Do you want to miss Dadu putting them in their place?" Pratyush asked like the logical asshole he was.

I groaned but agreed to just go with Molly. We followed her towards the stage we were just on. It seemed like the guests had doubled in number in just the few minutes we were in that room. The staged area was no longer almost empty like it had been during our feud with Mishti.

Ritwik's grandfather spotted us and beckoned us onto the stage. We looked at each other for a second then stepped onto the stage.

"As you all know, this is my second grandson, Ritwik Sinha. Today, I am here to introduce the newest member of our family. Ritwik's wife, Mrs. Dyutilekha Sinha."

The crowd of people clapped loudly. Even though it was hard to decipher their whispers I could still hear some murmurs about how the previous choice was so much better and that they expected Ritwik's wife to be much more beautiful.

Aah yes, judge my looks while looking like painted old rotten potatoes in blingy rags.

It did make me a little self-conscious. I held my hands in front of my stomach trying to cover it a bit.

"I would like to thank Paritosh Sen and his wife for helping us realise that Dyuti was a much better fit for Ritwik. This marks the beginning of their journey together and my request to everyone attending the reception is to bless them with all your heart."

The shade wasn't missed by anyone as the murmurs got slightly louder. My eyes accidentally met my aunt's and she was seething. "You will pay for this." She mouthed to me. My aunt and uncle faked a smile for a while then quitely snuck out.

Okay, it's settled. He's my favourite character on our show.

My mother glared at me across the room then chased after her sister. My brick of a dad just kept drinking his cup of tea.

They're going to the retirement home. There's no way in hell, I'll take care of those two assholes.

Surprisingly, the rest of the reception went well. More people came up to us to take photos, give gifts and bless us.

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