Start from the beginning

"Like we can afford wine..." Aspen chuckled nervously, making both of them flash back to their argument the other night.

"Right..." Stiles replied awkwardly, his fingers fidgeting with nervousness.

Stiles then decided he couldn't take this anymore, and that he'd be the one to speak first.

But when he did, Aspen also spoke up at the same time, and they said the exact same thing— "Look, I'm sorry—"

The synchronised apology made them both laugh genuinely, which eased up some of the tension that was surrounding them.

Stiles smiled, and chuckled as he said— "Can I go first?"

Aspen made a tight-lipped smile, and just nodded.

"I'm not taking the job." he said.

Aspen blinked, hesitating to reply as she just processed for a moment.

When she didn't reply, Stiles kept going. "I don't want to make a decision that you don't approve of. Because your opinion means everything to me, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I made you feel like it wasn't."

Aspen smiled, nodding her head. "Thank you, Stiles."

"And I'm sorry about everything." he continued with a deep breath. "I never meant for you to feel like I resented you— because I don't. I never could. I'm sorry that I made you feel mocked, I respect your dreams and I meant it when I said I want to be the one standing next to you when all of them come true.

I love you with every inch of my heart, and I hate that we've been fighting so much lately because of money. It's stupid— and we've overcome far worse things before. I just want things to get back to the way they were..."

Aspen smiled genuinely, finally starting to feel a bit of relief and hope that nothing had to change because of this fight.

"I'm sorry for walking out on you." she said, "You were right— every time things get tough, I get the urge to just run away like the problem will magically fix itself. And I'm also sorry if you felt forced to leave your life in Quantico for me, I honestly didn't think you had a problem with it."

"I don't." Stiles said, "I don't have a problem with it. I know things are tight right now with or jobs and the rent and everything— but we're never gonna get through it if we turn against each other. And I never want to be against you— I want to be with you."

"I want to be with you too." Aspen smiled, taking his hand and holding it across the table.

Stiles let out a sigh of relief, relieved that they seemed to have to gotten through this fight and made it out the other end, and that things could go back to the way they were now.

"God, I'm so relieved." Stiles smiled, "I have to admit, I was kinda worried, these past few days... I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you, Asp."

"I'd be lost without you, Stiles." she said sincerely, as she felt Stiles' thumb begin to circle her palm, and action that always brought her comfort when she needed it.

Stiles then glanced down at their intertwined hands, glancing at the engagement ring she'd been wearing on her finger for nearly four years now.

"Let's get married." he said.

Aspen let out a laugh, "Stiles, we're already getting married."

"No, I mean— let's do it now." Stiles said, smiling wide as he was filled with excitement. "I know we've been waiting for years because we're so young and so focused on our careers—but Asp, I know you're the only person on this planet I ever want to be with. We're in our twenties now, we're not kids anymore. I just— I don't think I can wait another second to be your husband. What do you say?"

Heartbreak Weather , Stiles Stilinski ⁶ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now