Chapter 253: Pains and Joys of Parenthood

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"Milk... No... Mama doesn't have... any more... milk... Zzz..." [Ranzel]

But even more surprising was his wife beside him. The ever so energetic Vanessa was down for the count, hair and clothes disheveled as she talked in her sleep. The very same Vanessa who was a literal ball of energy. They were shocked.

Now, Grey and Yuna finally understood Kurt's warning. To think that the enthusiastic Vanessa who would drag them around every time she could was now sleeping so tightly. Not even she could combat the exhaustion of raising a baby.

"Oh, Grey, Yuna, when did you two arrive?" [Ranzel]

"Ah, we just arrived... But that's Big Sis Vanessa, right?" [Grey]

"Hahaha. I get what you're saying... Surprising, isn't it?" [Ranzel]

"Yeah, very much so..." [Grey]

Not even Ranzel, the husband, could believe his eyes at first. After all, he's already been with her for several years and never once did he see her get exhausted. Never in his wildest imagination did he ever think it would be their child who would make the impossible possible.

Well, other than surprise, he was also presented with exhaustion. Having taken care of Antoinette for weeks now, he could also feel exhaustion seeping through his body and bones. A tiredness he never felt until graduating the Royal Academy.

Nor only do they have to wake up hour after hour every night, there was also the changing of diapers, feeding, and so much more. Heck, they even need to be careful with every sound and step they make. Fighting monsters was even more relaxing.

Even just now, the doors were kept open so that no creaks would resound in the room every time someone entered or exited. They needed to consider every little detail there is. Parents are amazing, in ways more than one.

"Then, I hope this helps... 《Recuperate》." [Grey]

"This too... 《Remedy》." [Yuna]

There was no need to waste any more time. With their state already terrible as it is, Grey and Yuna casted a couple of healing spells to both Ranzel and Vanessa. One removes fatigue, while the other removes aches and soreness.

As soon as the lights seeped towards their bodies, the fatigue and headache they had been enduring quickly melted away into nothingness, only leaving behind warmth and comfort. It was super effective.

"Oh! I feel much betterー" [Ranzel]

Ranzel couldn't even finish his words. As soon as he realized, he quickly covered his mouth with both his hands, shutting it tight. His eyes lingered towards the crib to see if there were any reactions from the baby.

"Fufufu! Don't worry, Mister Ranzel. We also erected a sound-dampening barrier while we're at it." [Yuna]

"O-Oh... I see... I see... Haah..." [Ranzel]

The tension leaving his body, Ranzel could finally let his shoulders loose and breathe a sigh of relief. As he calmed himself down, he once again watched in the direction of his sleeping daughter. A smile soon bloomed on his face.

"Really, thank you, you two... That really saves us a lot of trouble." [Ranzel]

"Fufufu! Anytime!" [Yuna]

"Mmnngg...?" [Vanessa]

And just as all the immediate troubles were resolved, Vanessa's eyes twitched and her facial expressions changed. Before long, she finally opened her eyes, stretching her arms as she greeted the afternoon.

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