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Ace DeAngelo

When I saw the fear in her eyes I knew she wasn't just being stubborn. She was afraid, she knew as much as I did that there was a war coming. She knew there's was a chance of me not surviving and that scared her.

She wasn't ready to be a mother and she surely wasn't ready to raus a child alone. She knew that they would come for her and our child, she knew all that and it was scaring her.

I knew her. So when she was alone in the bathroom and wouldn't open the door, I got nervous. I knew she wanted to do that alone, but I wanted to be with her. She shouldn't have to do this alone. I was pacing around in our room while Nate was standing there relaxed as ever, that guy wasn't about to find out if he was going to be a dad.

"Relax, she is going to be fine Ace" Nate said relaxed. I looked at him, not impressed. "Yeah, relax, shut the fuck up." I said back. Nate just shock his head, not saying a word. I don't know how much time went buy, but I knew something was wrong. "Amara, if you don't open that fucking door I'm gonna knock it down" I treated, still no answer.

Alright. "Step away from the door amore" I said, before kicking the door open. Amara was sitting in the corner of the bathroom, her knees hugged to her chest. Nate looked over my shoulder, before placing a hand on top of it and leaving. I walked into the bathroom, kneeling down next to her before pulling her into my arms. She was crying, I already knew why before even looking at one of the positive tests beside her.

I held her close to me, saying everything was going to be alright. I knew is shouldn't say that, I couldn't control what was going to happen. I was at a fucking war and now my fiancé was pregnant, it would save her the stand as Donna, so she would at least be save and protected if I would die in this war.

I shouldn't think of my own death when there was my child growing inside of her. I held her closer as she cried, I held her close until she fall asleep or rather blacked out because of exhaustion.

I scoped her up on my arms carrying her inside of the bedroom again. I placed her down on the bed and brushed a few of her hair out if her face. She looked so beautiful, but I knew that when she wakes up all the worry will come back to her.

I kissed her on the forehead before pulling the blanked over her and leaving the room. I was angry, not at Amara of course, but at myself and at the war that was coming at us. I made my way down to the gym beflute wrapping my hands and starting in a box sack.

Amara Moratti

I woke up to some one shaking me awake, when I opened my eyes Alina was leaning over my body. She had her hands on my shoulders and stepped back when she saw that I was awake.

Damien was was saying in the door way of my room, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Thank god your awake" Alina said. "What is going on." I asked, sitting up in my bed. "Ace is trashing the whole gym" Damien said, stepping inside the room.

"What Damien means is that Ace has been in the gym for over two hours and has been breaking more than half of hour boxing sacks. We only have a hundred" Alina explains, moving her hands around in the air.

"Why is he trashing his own gym" I asked. "How are me supposed to know that" Alina said, again throwing her armes around in the air. "What she wants to say it that we don't know what up with Ace, but we can't get him to stop and if he keeps doing that he is gonna break his fucking hand, let's not forget that he is going to rip his fucking Stiches. So we came to wake you up. What ever is up with him, you are the only one who can get him to stop hurting himself" Damien said.

I looked up at him, he looked worried just as much as Alina was. I let out a shaking breath and got up. I slipped on a pair of sneakers and left the room. I saw Damien laying his arm around Alinas shoulder, pulling her against him.

I smiled to myself, knowing that Damien was going to take good care of her. I walked down the stairs making my way toward the gym. The moment I was standing in front of the gym I could already hear grunts and the sound of a first hitting something.

I pushed to door open. The room was really dark, but I could make out an figure and a boxing back. "Ace" I said, quietly, while stepping inside. He didn't turn around, his first still hitting the boxing back.

I made my way over to him, he had his back turned toward me. "Ace" I said louder this time. He stopped, breathing hard. "Ace" I said again, he still didn't turn around.

His bare back was turned to me, he wasn't wearing a shirt. I could see his back lightly relaxing. I stepped toward him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Ace " I said again, this time softer.

His shoulders began shaking and he turned around, pulling me into his arms. He hugged me tightly, like he was afraid I would leave. I hugged him back, wrapping one hand around his shoulders while my other hand went toward his neck, brushing softly though his hair.

His arms were wrapped around my waist and his head was lying on my shoulder. I knew he was just as scared as I was, he didn't wanted to leave me. Ace loved me, even when we just knew each for two months, I knew he loves me with everything he has.

I don't know how long he and I were stayed like this. Him hugging me close to his body while I was trying to clam him down. When I felt his muscles relaxing I lightly pulled away, taking his hand in mine before leading him out of the room and up the stairs.

I pushed him inside the bathroom, taking of his bandages hands, before cleaning the cuts he made. Then I went toward the shower and turned it on, Ace started to strip out of his close before getting into the shower.

He turned his back toward me and then I started to strip. He leaned his head back and let the water wall on his face, his eyes closed. I stepped inside, wrapping my armes around his waist, my chest was now pressed against his back.

His hand found mine and he turned around holding them. His eyes were now staring at mine and then he let my hand go. My hand fell down to his hips, as he pulled me closer before his lips found mine.

He kissed me, kissing away the worries I had. Just gut a small moment I forgot everything that happened the past weeks. I just let go.

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