Chapter 100: Plane B

Start from the beginning

Zack ignored her screams and continued walking. He walked up the staircase the memories of the man who was just attacking him earlier flooded his mind.

They had known each other for 16 Years, even before they became friends Hunter was always cold and distant but never had he stared at Zack with such a murderous look. He couldn't believe his best friend of 15-plus years wanted to murder him.

The thought of it made the wound on his stomach hurt.

'That man isn't my Hunter. Hunter could never' he thought to himself to comfort himself with the situation.

He stepped into the hallway and his eyes widened at the bloody mascara. A trail hunter had left behind.

The entire place was stacked with dead bodies. Zack followed the trail.

"Did you leave this trail of roses for me, I wonder what's going through your mind. What's happening to you" Zack thought aloud stepping over the bed bodies.

Back at the basement Brian and taking Amanda towards the exit. She was still struggling trying to escape

"Brain put me down" she screamed hitting his back.

"The lady asked you to put her down," a voice asked making Brian stop walking.

"Get out of my way," Brian asked coldly.

'Who is that, why does his voice sound familiar'amanda thought to herself.

"Why don't you make me" the man warned.

Brian put Amanda down, she was standing on her own two feet. He was standing in front of her towering over her, his body was covering her view so she couldn't see the man Brian was talking to.

"Ms. Amanda, please find a safe place to hide until I clear our path," Brian asked.

She didn't want to stay there anyway so she nodded and turned around and started running away.

"Once I deal with this guy I'll come to find you," a voice said but it wasn't Brian.

"That's if you survive sir" Brian reminded.

"You were so loyal when you arrived here, I would never have thought that you were the traitor. Why aren't you Hunter, you should have gotten him back by now isn't" the man asked in a mocking tone.

"What did you do to him," Brian asked clenching his fits.

The man chuckled then shrugged his shoulders, he ran a hand through his hair.

"Well you can't do anything now so what's the harm in letting you know," he said.

"He's memory, we rewrote his memories" he replied.

"What," Brian asked his eyes widened.

"It's a type of hypnosis, forcing his mind to go question all his memories, in his state he can't tell reality from hallucination. Once his Brain gets tired of trying to figure out what's happening It will shut down and so will he at this point he must have gaps in his memory, right" he asked.

"You asshole, what has he ever done to you. He's your brother for fucks sake" Brian shouted unable to contain his anger.

"Oh, are you mad at me? I'm interested, what is your relationship to him" the man asked tilting his head slightly.

"He is my idol, he's someone whose feet I gladly worship. Trash like you doesn't deserve to even speak his name" Brian growled lowly. His rage was at boiling point.

"Hmm, there is nothing you can do even if you praise him so, he's a human, after all, you'll need a miracle to save him even if you do manage to leave this building tonight"

"I'm sure you know the cure to this, if you won't tell me I'll just beat it out of you. Over my dead body will I let you win" Brian screamed then threw a strong punch.


Hunter felt like his head had grown twice his size, the feeling was making it hard for him to move. Because of the brief silence, he received when he escaped the room he was held in. Parts of his memory had returned and he remembered the faces of those he had forgotten but that feeling came and went.

His body was dripping wet with the blood of those he has killed, it was refreshing it him, but he's hands were itching for Justin, he had searched for a while to no veil. He started to get frustrated.

He dragged his head on the group, he suddenly smiled as if realizing something.

"Just like a little mouse, you're hiding away. It's kind of exciting" he said then abruptly stopped in his tracks.

He tilted his head to the left, his smile dropped. There was a door in his sight, it was the door that lead to the conference room.

He turned towards it and started heading towards the door. When he got there, he grabbed the door handles and tried to open them but it was locked.

He chuckled.

"Are you in there Justin, open the door for me, I have no one to play with out here" he screamed banging on the door frantically.

There was no reply from the other side. He started hitting harder and harder, his hands were starting to get sore. But he didn't stop.

"Justin" he screamed again then punched the door.

When he punched it for the second time, he noticed the nuts and bolts of the door were starting to loosen.

He chuckled as he continuously hit the door until it finally broke and collapsed on the floor with a loud bang.

He stepped on top of it as he entered the room. The room lighting was dim, It was an ordinary meeting room with a huge circular table and a projector at the front.

Justin was standing there with a glass of whiskey in his hand staring at the projection.

When Hunter entered the room and saw what his father was staring at. He could feel his blood begin to boil, the excitement he had felt earlier vanished and was replaced with rage.

" you-you-fucking-asshole" he boomed clenching his bloody fist.

In front of hunter was a projected photo was his mother's body after they tore her apart.

"Is this the reason you are making such a fuss? Because of this bitch, you made a mess of my hospital for her" his father asked.

The veins on Hunter's neck were bulging out, his eyes were almost popping out of their socket. His breathing was rapid and his body was trembling as he stepped forwards.

"Asshole" he boomed then charged towards Justin.

He was rushing towards Justin when a huge guy appeared from the shadows and stood in front of Hunter. Hunter lunged a punch but the guy held his wrist before it could make contact with his face.

The guy was very huge and unbelievably strong.

Justin started laughing.

The guy punched hunter in the gut, grabbed him by the hair then dragged him to the table, and smashed his face on the table.

"Boss what should I do with him," the man asked while Hunter was struggling to break free.

"Dispose of it, that thing has gotten on my last nerve. Kill it any way you know how" Justin ordered not even hesitating.

The guy smashed Hunter's face on the table one last time then turned him around and started strangling him.

'Why is this guy so freakishly strong ' Hunter thought.

He was trying desperately to break free as his oxygen supply was blocked. His version started getting blurry in no time he started blacking out and the noises around him became distant.


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