My lack of attention to the rest of my surroundings caused me to flinch as arms came to wrap around my waist, gently turning me slightly to face the room. Greyback was still sat at the table, now with an angry glint in his eye as he watched the scene unfold in front of him while casually sipping his cup of black coffee.

"This one is off limits Greyback. She's mine." The domineering voice of Narcissa Malfoy sent shivers down my spine as the older witch wrapped her body around mine protectively, resting her chin on my shoulder as her dark gaze penetrated the man in front of her.

Narcissa had become quite protective of me while I stayed with them, and I just fidgeted nervously as the two had a silent stare off, the other woman daring Greyback to try and claim me. She nibbled at my jaw as her hands lightly roamed around my stomach without ever losing eye contact.

Greyback finally sighed and released a low growl deep in his throat, knowing this would not go in his favor. "Fine. Keep your little whore Narcissa." He finally replied, glaring at the both of us as he stood.

Narcissa's grip on me tightened at his words, biting her tongue to keep from starting something as she knew I didn't like it. I would much rather just let the situation de-escalate and let the man walk away than have the older witch start a dual and piss the man off even more.

Greyback stalked out of the kitchen and Narcissa pressed a hard kiss to my cheek, a few lighter ones to my temple before dropping her arms.

"I won't let him touch you my darling."

(TW: Panic)

I was just feeling so indescribably anxious and couldn't manage to distract myself, needing my dad to make it all better. I wasn't sure exactly what was wrong, I just felt as if was suffocating in the silence, the air around me growing thicker and heavier as I struggled to comprehend the uncomfortable feelings I could hardly find the words to describe.

It was almost as if I could feel the air touching my skin and it hurt. The silence caused my ears to ring painfully and every minute sensation drove me to the brink of a full blown panic attack. I was so incredibly overstimulated for absolutely no reason and I needed my daddy to make it go away.

I rushed out my bedroom door in the direction of the small home office/library where I knew he would be reading the newspaper right about now. My breathing was becoming erratic and I scratched at my upper arms to try and redirect my attention to the mild physical pain rather than the intense emotional turmoil.

I rapped on the door quietly, shuffling from foot to foot as my eyes darted all around looking for potential dangers. A short 'come in' had me slinking into the room to see my father, Severus Snape, sat in his usual armchair with the newspaper turned down to face me.

He realized immediately what was happening as it was not the first, or even the 20th, time this had happened and he always knew how to make me feel better. The older man dropped his newspaper and his hard expression softened as he opened his arms for me to fall into.

My eyes were blurry with unshed tears as I fell onto his lap, pressing my face into the man's chest as his arms wrapped around my back comfortingly. The familiar scent of old books and a hint of cologne coated my senses and his rough hand rubbing my back took away from the uncomfortable feeling of everything else touching me.

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