64 | call from the underworld

Start from the beginning

The men behind me were close, I could hear their footsteps only a beat after me. The road was empty, not a single soul could be seen in the vast expanse. This only made my adrenaline haywire and my blood to pump faster. I need to getaway from them, to get away from this mess.

My feet were aching from the pebbles that embedded from running barefoot in the road. Just as I thought I gained some speed on them, my foot slipped and I was tumbling down. The fear of getting caught suppressed my screams, as I scrambled to get up but a sharp pain shoot through my foot and I went down.

I could hear them, almost see them in the darkness where I came running from. I was done and over with, they were going to kill me, they were going to take the box and give it to him. I could almost taste the bitter taste of his win. The smirk on his lips after knowing that he once gain won over me, filled my veins with acid.

The frustration was so blinding that I almost couldn't see the girl crossing the road. Her dress was flowing with the wind as she took two steps at a time. Her gaze seemed to be fixated on me, or rather behind me. I squinted my eyes, trying to see who she is but couldn't as the moment her face started to get familiar a car honk broke my focus. The car was rushing towards the girl. I couldn't help but scream at her to back away, my voice falling in deaf ears.

I tried getting up but my ankle wasn't letting me. Tears of frustration wet my cheeks but it was of no use. Just as the car was about to hit her I saw her face and my breathing stopped altogether, Layla. It was Layla and she was going to get hit by the car. Ignoring the pain in my feet I scrambled up to my feet.

It was just a flash when Layla was on the ground, covered in blood. The car was nowhere and I was standing on the curb of the road. Again lost.

Waking up never felt like liquid gold before. Dreams again and again plaqued my mind with everything that I want to forget. It's the third time in this week when this nightmare has made its appearance, always intricate, filled with details that I'd rather blur than watch.

The room was filled with rusty red colour from the sun setting into the horizon. The Halo created by it almost made me forget about the nightmare I just had. Fixing my eyes to the open window on my wall, I tried to maybe erase the bad feeling. Appreciate the sun and the glow it's giving my room, even bath in the light.

Sun has so much light to give and only a few can actually seep it into them. You need guts, a lot of control and a hell lot of compassion to absorb the golden beams and become gold.

The door to my room opened, I expected either Ailey or Karl coming up to check on me but the silence I received after the door closed had me turning away from the light. My breathing stopped altogether when I saw grey eyes. He was in my room, once again, and I didn't want him out, once again.

A sigh left my lips before I turned my face away from him. "What are you doing here?" What are you doing here after leaving me alone to deal with the truth? My voice came out even. My eyes didn't wanted even a second away from him as they followed the path that lead to him.

He didn't say anything only stared at me, two seconds, three seconds, ten seconds passed and all I received from him was a stare that almost felt like it was penetrating my head, like he was trying to read what I was thinking.

Don't try, you'll only find disappointment, anger and love directed at you. Don't try cause all I think about his you. Don't try because I'm afraid you might read me.

"Why are you here Caim?" I asked once again. The silence in the room was the only answer I received until the door of my room opened and a total of 10 men, clad in black outfit ushered inside. It was almost straight out of movie if Ailee was not behind them with a spatula in her hand and her eyes widen to the point they looked like saucers. Where is Karlos?

A man in a black suit entered after all the guys dispersed in my room. Caim was standing at the same place, closest to the left wall. His face was a little pale but his eyes held a familiar look, he knows them. My eyes looked at everyone, from the guys, built like a fucking tank to the man in the middle. He seems familiar but I couldn't pinpoint the familiarity. I have seen this guy before, where? I don't know.

"Hello, Miliani" the deep rough baritone of the man told me that he was a leader. His voice held authority, like it was habitual of giving orders.

"Who are you?" A deep chuckle was the answer I got.

"That's the first time somebody didn't recognise me" he walked forward, his footsteps strong but silent like a Predator. Leaning down he dusted off the bed before taking a seat at the end.

"Well, I guess everything has it's first" he placed his hands on his knees and leaned forward before Turing his face towards me.

"You might not know me but I know you, Miliani Snow" a smile almost Sinister spread across his face. My eyes instinctively fell on Caim. He looked calm but I could see his hands fisted. I was safe, that, I know because Caim was here but how much? What power does this man hold?

"The name's Jacub Daniels" the rug was pulled harshly from underneath my feet. If I was sceptical before, right now I'm full fledged scared. Scared enough to not trust Caim for my safety, scared enough to pray to God to save my life. Because right in front of me is The lord of underworld.

"And you're coming with us"

I guess Ailee can use that spatula to wake me after I pass out.


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