Chapter 22: A Destruction

Start from the beginning

The huge card was on fire and later on, it disappeared. Now, I was left with the minced body of a girl.

“Hell fl—

No. I was about to burn the area where the sliced up body was in there with tons of blood, but burning them, it will make a bad smell.

The scepter disappeared on my hand as I showed my palm to the bloody scene.

“World of Puppet.”— All the blood, organs, bones, and some body parts, all were absorbed by my hands.

Then, my legs fell. I felt very tired and exhausted so just like what Marry was doing, I laid my body on the grass as I looked at the dark morning sky.

“I’ll just rest for a bit.....”



“Yes... That's what happened here.” Alfred, through telepathy, communicated with his brother at the guild.

«Are you sure it is nothing natural? What if it was just some natural occurrence?» Alcred doubted.

Alfred reported to him that the grass burned and some trees also fell and had their leaves burned in color brown. So, Alcred, who received the report, thought it was just some weather phenomenon.

“Go outside the hall and look for some trees. If it is just some nature's problem, then that plant in that area also has the same effect in this place.” Alfred replied to him. But he was right. Only the area within 8 kilometers have the burn effect and a faint demonic aura.

Alcred then replied to him via telepathy.

«Do your investigation further. Report all things to me especially when you saw a small village.»

Understood. Then I shall cut off the connection.”



“....-san, Mareine-san, please wake up....”

Did I feel asleep? My vision has been very blurry since I just opened my eyes but thanks to my eyes, the floating information said that it was Marry.

“....What's up.. Marry?”

“I th-thought you d-died..”

“Huh? Why would I be...?”

“N-no... It was just my s-skillJoker’s bluffthat told me you're dead...” She explained to me, very worried.

“Isn’t that obvious? It's a bluff anyways. ”

“W-well.... I didn't kill that girl right...? ”

That girl? Does she mean the girl that got sliced up to many pieces by her King of Diamonds?

“You killed her.”

“N-no... I didn't r-right..?”

“You did. I still have her body inside me. If you like I can show it to you. World of P—

“S-stop please.”

Is Marry scared of killing someone? Although that girl, was her name Sebris? I have her body inside my skill ‘World of Puppet’ from Lucifer and I also obtained her soul like her other subordinate.

Her body, the same as her subordinate Haruke, was sliced and cannot be joined together, so I made them my puppets. I can summon them anytime.

Through ‘Create Puppet’, I made a puppet from their dead body remains and let their souls live inside of it.

They might look like a human but they're a puppet with strings. 

Currently, they're all living inside the ‘World of Puppets’ including that guy named Staz.

That being the case, Staz, whom I didn't kill and has his body parts still intact to each other, he was inside my skill.

World of Puppets is like another dimension, place or a world. Unlike Marry’s trickster's pocket, my World of Puppets can store living creatures.

Basically this world is just for my Puppets. Although I can go into this world since I owned it, only those people who are in control of me or puppets made by me have the qualification to enter.

I dominated Staz’s soul so he managed to enter.

And that's it.

Marry slumped on the ground like I was doing. 

“W-what about the m-mission Mareine-san? W-we can't do it anymore right? We are now..... Criminals...”

“You wanna be a criminal?”

“I DON'T!!” She replied immediately.

“What we did was just an act of self defense. And besides, no one saw us.”

“M-Mareine-san..... Please don't tell them that's why..... TWO PAIR!”

Marry used a skill to me in between her talk. It was a skill that would let her know when the secret was spoken from my mouth. Although I can just dispel it, seeing her really nervous, If I did that, she would really cry. The skill is no harm anyway.

A link was formed between me And Marry through her skill.

“Relax. I also don't wanna get arrested. So let's keep these secrets just between us. Okay?”

“Y-Yes Mareine-san....”

She was about to do a pinky swear at me but I furrowed my eyebrows so she didn't continue it. She must've thought ‘I’m being childish... ’

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