𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

750 22 18

~1 week later~

Jotaro isn't here yet again. I really need to ask him this, but he just never shows up. I don't remember the last day he was here..damnit.

I can't even go visit his house..it would just seem weird how I know his address. Think Noriaki think.

I would kill to know right now, the curiousness is actually paining my soul. Why the hell is that kid never here?

"Did you hear? Jotaro beat up four guys!"


"Yea, and when he was caught he didn't have any injuries..it was weird because one was a professional boxer and the other had sharp brass knuckles."

"He always pulls it off everytime. It's like he's invincible!"

Jotaro got into a fight!? 'That kid pulls it off everytime' What the hell is that supposed to mean? He gets into fights every so often?

"Turns out he's gonna be in jail for maybe a week or so, he's so ruthless."

You have GOT to be kidding me. I knew Jotaro was the odd type, but this bastard gets into fights..and what the fuck kind of logic is that? What do you mean he didn't ge—. Is he really a stand user?..There's no other explanation! No injures despite there being BRASS KNUCKLES IN THE FIGHT? There's no way in hell.

I don't know what to do.

My first option would be to go to talk to him in jail..which would be awkward.

And my second option is to wait a week until he's released.

Son of a bitch.

That would take forever. I would pick option one..but it would be so weird. I can't think..I don't knowww!

It's early in the morning, I shouldn't even be stressing myself out..but I genuinely want to know right now. Is Jotaro a stand user?

~About 20 minutes later..~

"I'm here to see Jotaro..Kujo Jotaro."

"That kid? How do you know that trouble-making bastard?"

"We're.. friends."

"You know, only his mom comes to visit him everytime he's sent to jail, so I wouldn't expect this. In fact, every time he's here he manages to still kick ass and somehow get items like beer and juice."

"That's strange."

"Last time he got a damn radio in there."

A radio?

"He's not the best influence kid. Go ahead now, just take a right and you'll see him. We have cameras so don't try anything slick..he's going to be released shortly anyway."


It's kind of dark in here. I wonder if those things the cop said were really true. I kinda regret this..but I'm here now and I can't turn back.

There he is. I'm already nervous.


"Kakyoin? What the hell are you doing here?"

He cut me off.

"I have something to ask you, and it's okay if you don't understand."


"Well I guess showing it to you would make this easier."

Here goes.

"Well I guess showing it to you would make this easier."

What is he pointing at..


Kakyoin is a stand user!? I knew something was off about him..his stand looks oddly familiar.

"Well can you see it, Jotaro?"

"I see it clearly. So, you're really a stand user?"

"Yes. I was born with my stand ability, and so I can manifest it easily..and you?"

"I recently discovered it a few days ago."

He's being quiet all of a sudden.

And..he's walking out?

Is that all you wanted to ask me?"

I've never met someone like me."

He is about to cry. I can see tears in his eyes, but I don't understand..he came all the way here just to ask that? Yare yare daze.

Honestly I cannot help but cry, for years I have never once thought in my life I would meet someone with the same special abilities as me. Truly, I am overjoyed to finally find such light.

It would be great to meet his family as well. I assume stands are passed down, but despite none of my family members having one, I guess it was by chance.


Jotaro? How-what-

"I was already released. Well, I got an early release."

I wonder how he did that.

This is kind of embarrassing..I'm crying infront of someone who probably doesn't even care.

"Let's go to a cafe, I want to discuss about our stands. I'm curious as well."


"Get your ass back here Kujo!"

"We haven't even fully let you out yet! How did you get those damn cuffs off!?"

"Seize him!"

"I'll be right back. Wait outside."

Somehow someway I knew that was going to happen. I guess I'll just sit down and wait..I really hope I don't start crying again.

I can't wait to learn about Jotaro's stand, I wonder what it looks like. I wonder if they have other abilities like I predicted, and different looks and strength.

Or maybe they look alike..which would just be peculiar. So, I highly doubt that.

It's been like..thirty minutes since Jotaro has been in there. I get it, but seriously I don't want to wait this long. It's like..9:47 right now.

Oh, finally. There he is.

"Kakyoin, so about the cafe thing, do you want to go?"


"But know you're going to be skipping school."

"It's too late now, plus I'm caught up with everything, so I'm sure my teachers wouldn't mind anyway."

"Okay then, cafe's just around the corner."

It's silent again, but I like how peaceful it is. It's warm and beautiful outside with nice breezes. I love this weather more than anything.
Except cherries.

Is that the cafe? It's looks pretty spacey inside to be one. I mean..it's not a bad thing it's just weird to see a big cafe.

I like the designs..the art is nice here. I've never been to this cafe before now that I realize it. I went to another one closer to where I live, but this one is way nicer! It'll take maybe an extra 2-3 minutes but I should definitely eat lunch here.

"C'mon, we can take a seat, and a waiter will come eventually."


1030 words

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬? | Jotaro x KakyoinWhere stories live. Discover now