𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"Thank you for showing me around."

"No problem. Do you remember your classes now?"

"Mhm, and if you don't mind, we could walk to class together."


I brought my courage up to finally ask him if we could go to our classes together, because I was new and I most likely won't remember any of my classes around this campus. I'm going to change from being so distant. I have to accept-

"But, remember, I skip school a lot. Don't expect me to be here every day, every class."

I had totally forgotten he skips class. How was I supposed to remember that? Well, whatever. All that matters is I can make an acquaintance.

"Yea, I know."

He finally handed me my schedule, jeez. I have so many classes, but I'm sure they won't be that hard for me.

"Teacher gave us passes. I forgot to give you yours. Here."

"Thank you, we're in 4th period now right?"

"I believe so. By the way, I'm going to the cafe near here. Don't forget where the cafeteria is after your 4th period class. Bye."

Walking to my class right now is kind of stressful, the bell could ring at any moment. I don't even know if I remember where I'm going..I wish Jotaro was still here to show me around.

Why is language arts kind of boring..I get everything, it's easy. I just don't want to learn it, being honest..at least my first day of school is going well. It could've been worse. But..

No one understands me. No one gets me. I can't even socialite with other people because of Hierophant. No one relates to me..or sees it..nobody understood me. And 'til this day, nobody has. I'm trying so hard to communicate, but it looks like I'm going to have to be alone. No one has something like my Hierophant..no matter how hard I'll wish to find someone. For now, I'll have to make simple friends.


The teacher called on me? Shit!


"Are you going to answer?"

"What was the question? Sorry.."

Why are they laughing. I was zoned off, it's not my fault. Damnit..

"In this sentence, which would best fit the sentence, who or whom. Choose the right answer since you decided to drift into space."

That is actually an easy question. It doesn't take much thinking, so I guess I have the right answer.

That look on her face, she must be embarrassed I got it right.

"That's correct. Moving on-"

Figured. I lost my train of thought earlier..but I need to grab my schedule, I already forgot what my 8th period was.

History, and then English. I can't believe I'm going to still continue to have to learn English, I mean, who really wants to learn it anyways. We're going to forget..but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

It's already about lunch time at this point..this bell is super loud. Jeez! Going through the hallways isn't as bad as it seems. Sure, I get pushed and shoved a lot, but there's no major injuries.

Finally I'm at the lunch room. There's a bunch of popular group tables, like each one having its own weird category..still looking around just a little to see if I could find an empty table. There's one! God, thank you.

I don't see a problem with sitting alone..it's just awkward. Its not like I talk to people a lot anyway, they just don't get it. Well, I'll just sit here for a while and-why is that girl coming my way. There's more behind her..oh my go-

"Hey! New kid!"


"His name is Noriaki or something like that."

"Is that right?"

Why are they talking to me right now? I picked an empty table for a reason. Is she seriously going to sit down?

I shook my head in response, 'yes.'

"I see, you're very handsome! My friend here would like to ask something~"

"I never said such thing!"

"Yes you did!"

"No! I didn't. Stop!"

I don't mean to be rude, but this will get on my nerves.

Oh, it's Jotaro. He smiled at me for some reason, odd. But anyways, I really hope these girls go away. I came here to sit alone.

"So Noriaki~ I saw you in my class earlier! Why are you so quiet? I think-"

"Leave him alone! He's just a calm person."

"I know that. Can't I make small talk? Jeez."

"No, we all know you want him!"

I don't "want" anyone here. I want to be left alone.

"Shut up! I don't care.."

"Yes you do~"

"You're sooooo annoying! Stop!"

And now at this point, a few more girls came to my table asking me stupid questions and giving me blunt compliments. The least I could do is be respectful.

"I like your hair, Noriaki right?"

"Yes. Noriaki Kakyoin, and thank you."

"Oh he's such a charmer!"


I want to get out of the crowd as soon as possible. What even is happening right here? I just sat down?

Jotaro is sitting alone as well. I'm surprised there's no girls around him. Probably because they're swarming me instead. It seems like the girls realized he's sitting there, they're finally going away and over to his table.

"Noriaki is cute, but I think Jotaro is better~"

I am actually relieved to hear that. I can deal with a few girls, but there was about 20 of them at one table next to me, a quiet kid who, basically wants nothing to do with it.

Jotaro seems annoyed already. ..Why did he look at me like that. It's not my fault he has a bunch of schoolgirls wanting him. He is pretty handsome though, I'll give him that.

Aaand..there he goes. Walking out of the cafeteria without any food since he's pissed. I would assume he's going to a cafe, or something.

Oh god. Please don't come over here again! Go bother him..

Finally lunch is over! I need to get out of here. Why did he leave me like this? Why couldn't he be the one crowded!? I'm new. I don't deserve this. What a jerk! From now on, I'll go somewhere else to eat. There's no way in hell I'm coming here ever again.

1061 words

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬? | Jotaro x KakyoinWhere stories live. Discover now