Background Noise

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Alastor stared at the sight before him. His beloved radio tower had been broken into and ransacked. After a moment, he called Charlie informing her that he wouldn't be home till late tonight. He had an intruder to take care of. Static crackled as he hung up. Alastor's grin grew. Honestly, he didn't mind the break-in. It wasn't every day that something exciting happened. But entertaining himself would have to wait. His evening show was starting in half an hour. Alastor sat at his main desk and adjusted the settings. He thought about how to open tonight's segment. Fifteen minutes left. Perhaps he would directly call them out. Maybe he could make a little game out of it. Whatever he decided in the end, the hunt was on. It was showtime.

Alastor greeted his listeners. As his show went on, he dropped little hints. He knew his intruder was tuned in. And that was the idea. He knew every listener. Thanks to his powers, Alastor tracked down the perpetrator through their TV in no time. By the night's end, he was standing in front of their abode. He grinned as the static around him grew louder and more disruptive. Alastor didn't bother knocking. He let himself in through the TV. After a minute, he found himself in the living room. It was a nice setup. But he wasn't there for window shopping. He could hear the vandal upstairs. Alastor casually made his way up. His bold (or just plain stupid) trespasser was on the computer researching something. He silently watched. It was somewhat amusing. As pissed off as he was, Alastor was also a patient demon.

Alastor walked out the front door. He wiped the blood off his monocle as a portal opened. Once home, he hit the showers. Charlie was waiting for him in the bedroom and handed him clean clothes. As he got dressed, he told her everything. Normally, she would berate Alastor for such behavior. But not this time. His beloved tower had been vandalized. And for that, anyone would pay.

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