Chapter 249: Sweet, Sleeping Faces

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As for the two who were left, they were still completely dumbfounded about what just happened, watching the other two as they vanished from their sight. Now that there were just the two of them left, if felt rather a little lonely,

"Then, should we say our final farewells as well, Milady?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! I was thinking of the same thing too, Sir Grey." [Yuna]

"My, it seems that we have a lot in common, don't we?" [Grey]

Playful and cheerful as one can be, Grey and Yuna entered a gate once more, to be greeted yet again by the setting sun over the horizon. The shore, the sea, and the amber sky crowning them, everything was still beautiful as ever.

As compared to before, the beach was now cleaned off the mess they made, back to its former,  gem-like self. The only things left standing were the huts and sheds Grey and Yuna built, structures which the Chiefdom could use whenever and however they wanted. Some gifts of sorts.

They haven't gone home yet, yet they already felt like they would miss the place very much. Especially the salty breeze which greeted them every morning in their short but ever so eventful stay along the sea.

"Big Brother Grey, Big Sister Yuna..." [Marika]

And as they admired the view, footsteps echoed along with the shifting sands, a soft and downhearted voice echoing soon after as three familiar figures appeared before them. There was the Great Chief, Marika, and Sakar.

"Are you going home already, Lord Grey, Lady Yuna?" [Manelo]

"Well... Sadly, yeah... We're finished with our quest, after all. We just dropped by to say goodbye." [Grey]

"I see... That does make sense..." [Manelo]

It was a short-lived conversation, awkwardness looming in the air. Grey and Yuna have already said goodbyes countless times yet it didn't make it any easier. It was still hard to find a topic to talk about.

Especially Marika. Though she was much more composed than Eliza from before, her crestfallen expression says it all. As for the Great Chief and Sakar, they were the same as ever, serious and able to keep themselves level-headed.

A few moments passed, and the sun continued to set over the horizon. Yet despite all the changes, they still stood on the sandy beach, not a single word echoing in the air. They could only fidget as they tried to find the right words to say, Grey scratching his left cheek in silence.

However, no matter how much time passed, neither Grey nor Yuna could think of things to talk about. If there was one thing, Grey remembered something he almost forgot about, reaching out to his "Inventory" and getting a hold of a certain something.

"Right... Marika, here." [Grey]

"Wa-Wa-Wa-Waah!" [Marika]

Grey tossed that certain something to the air and had Marika catch it, it went just like how one would expect it. Though Marika did catch it, it was not after juggling it back and forth with a panicked expression on her face, finally catching it after embracing it with both hands, sighing with relief at the end.

And what might that certain something be? Simple, it was yet another cellphone Grey made in his free time as they prepared everything for the outing. A simple yet useful tool they wanted to gift everyone.

"Hm...? What's this...?" [Marika]

"That's a cellphone, and well... Rather than explaining, I think it's much better if we just show you how it works." [Grey]

The others tilting their head in confusion, Grey took out their personal phone and headed a little ways over the distance. And before long, a ring echoed in the silent beach, making Marika flinch and panic once again.

YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia (2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin