Grabbing my bag, phone, and keys, I turned off my lights and made my way out of the house. I was so happy. So, so happy. I was literally trying not to trip down the stairs, I was rushing so fast.

And once I left the house, I spotted him in front of his car. I swear I ran up to him so fast and threw my arms around him. I didn't even care that he couldn't embrace me. He did the best he could, wrapping his free arm around me.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better!" I cheesed, listening to my muffled voice as I pressed my ear against his chest.

"Thanks ta you. You was at the crib everyday takin care a me. Yeen even have ta do that." He smiled.

"No problem!" I chuckled, letting go of him. "I couldn't leave you hanging."

Rubbing on the side of my arm, he pecked my forehead then my lips. "I appreciate you. You really the best."

"Stop." I blushed, looking down at the ground.

"You look beautiful."

I was smiling so hard my face hurt. He knew exactly what to say. "Thank you."

"I like that hairstyle on you. Fits yo face perfectly. Do a spin fa me."

Stepping back, I did a little twirl for him.

"Mmm!" He exclaimed. "Just bad."

"Thank you. Thank you." I blushed. "You look good too."

"You think? I appreciate it. Wore brown ta match yo eyes." He replied, handing me the flowers. "These is fa you. I hand picked em and put em in it's own luh bouquet."

I smelled them then gave him another hug. "I love them."

"And I love you."

"I knew you would say that." I chuckled, looking down at the flowers and playing with the petals. "I love you too."

Lifting my head up by my chin, he looked into my eyes and kissed me on the lips. "I love you Capri."

"I love you too Quentin." I smiled, looking into his eyes.

"That's what I'm talkin bout."

"What made you want to take me out tonight?" I questioned, playing with the collar on his shirt.

"I owe you like a billion dates Capri. Lets be honest." He shrugged, opening the passenger seat door for me.

Stepping in, I took a seat and put my seatbelt on. Then I looked up at him. "Thank you. And yes you most definitely do."

Nodding his head, he closed the door and met me on the other side. Then he closed the door behind himself and put my flowers in the back seat.

"I'm startin us on the right foot this time around. Even with my arm in this fuck ass cast. We gone get shit done fasho. I put my phone on mute and everything so no Eli, no Javon, no customers. Only my mama could get through."

"Good." I smiled, putting my hand on his lap.

Taking my hand, he held it and kissed the back. "Just me and you."

if you see these men, RUN. || (DAVE EAST) (CHRIS BROWN)Where stories live. Discover now