Chapter 245: Sea, Smiles, and Shenanigans (pt. II)

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After their little exhibition, everyone then headed ashore and back to where everyone else was. And throughout the whole journey back, Julius argued with Grey and Yuna about how cruel they were. Words which entered one ear and exited the other.

As soon as they arrived, all kinds of sights greeted them. There was the children playing tag with the familiars, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess having a boat sate, the adults playing board games at the shed, and even, the King buried in sand.

Of course, the one burying the King was none other than the Little Princess. She was having a lot of fun with her toy shovel and clearly spent a lot of time gathering a lot of sand to bury her grandfather. There was a cute smile on her face.

"Oh! You're all back. How was your trip?" [Ernes]

"Fufufu! It was really fun!" [Yuna]

"Yuna's right. It was quite fruitful, Your Majesty," [Grey]

"Fruitful my ass... You lot just tormented me." [Julius]

Julius grumbled, but the King paid little to no heed about it. After all, he was his son, and he knew quite well just what kind of shenanigans he's up to sometimes. If anything, he was happy he could spend time with his friends.

"Princess Natalia, do you want me to help?" [Amelia]

"Um! Lia, help! Nalia bury Gwampa!" [Natalia]

"Fufufu! In that case, I'll be helping out too!" [Yuna]

And in a strange turn of events, everyone suddenly started helping out the Little Princess bury the King in sand. Especially Julius. He was strangely enthusiastic about burying his father, making all sorts of weird things to design the body.

Soon, what was once a mound turned into an intricate piece of art... Well, it was actually one every artist would tilt their head against. After all, with Julius as its artist, things were only bound to get weird. Now, the King looked like a decrepit chimera.

The beautiful sea, the windy breeze, the white sands, and everyone having fun. It was a beautiful sight to behold, but it wasn't perfect. There was still one thing which was missing, and that was... Cold refreshments!

"Little Princess, would you like to eat some watermelon?" [Grey]

"Wate... meon? Tashty?" [Natalia]

"Of course. It's really good! But first... Let's wash our hands, okay?" [Grey]

"Um! Okay~!" [Natalia]

Grey flicked his hands and a small stream of water started to flow. With a little bit of wish and wash, the Little Princess' hands were rid of sand, and so was her face. All that was left was a bright, beautiful, and adorable smiling face.

"Here you go..." [Grey]

"Shank you!" [Natalia]

A high-pitched and adorable voice resounding in the air, the Little Princess soon bit down on the watermelon slice Grey handed her. As soon as she did, a cold rush of sweetness flooded her mouth and her smile became much brighter.

"Do you like it?" [Grey]

"Um! Like it!" [Natalia]

The Little Princess smiled once more and continued to chomp on her watermelon. But as such an adorable scene was happening, Grey couldn't help but feel the stares prickling on the back of his head.

As soon as he turned around, all he saw were expectant eyes staring at him, their hands not moving anymore and some even had their mouths watering. It was obvious what they wanted. He didn't even need to ask.

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