Sheeesh, Macau! Get yourself together. Remember the plan! And stick to it.

"I think, I fell in love..." I heard someone behind me saying.

"Did you see, she was looking at me." My friend giggled besides me. Idiot!

I swear, I heard some happy-sighing around me. Are they for real???

After making everyone fall in love with her. she finally opened her mouth... to introduce herself?

"Hey, I am Amy, your third-year senior, a mock teacher today, or just a greedy senior who is committing this minor crime for some extra marks." She said with a smile.

Woah. She's cool! I heard some chuckling around me.

"OMG! Girl at first sight!" My friend nudge me, whispering. 

I just rolled my eyes and pass a comment. "You really need some extra lessons on English, idiot!"

He gave me a confused look.

"So shall we begin?" She asked but no one answered her not even a nod, just as we planned. She tilted her face a little looking at us.




Oh fish! That's what came out of my mouth when I heard my cell phone ringtone.

That was my alarm! Oh no, I'm late. I was busy in the library, placing the books back in the shelves that I took in the morning to prepare the mock-lecture, I have to deliver today. I didn't even realize that my damn wrist-watch stopped working after 3pm.

Sigh. I failed to make a first good impression on my juniors.

At freaking four, I ran as fast as I can, carrying only one paper in my hand. I made a list of topics after skimming through eight freaking books all day.

I just make a general list of topics that I need to teach. I was out of breath when I finally reached my destination. Why in the hell this lecture hall is that far away from the library!? Who designed this stupid building!?

It took me one good minute to relax myself.


I held my head high, squared my shoulders and walked in. I glanced around the lecture hall. Everyone one was staring at me. Are they mad because I made them wait? I wanted to sigh as soon as I see so many faces.

I didn't expect this much crowd. I thought half of the Freshmen would skip this lecture or just shamelessly ditched the class.

A smile appeared on my face. I looked at the face of each and every junior, just to show them that I'm happy at their presence and to let them know that they are equally important to us senior.

Like seriously, I am kinda representative of the third year here.

Then I frankly introduce myself just to remind them that I'm not a teacher... Just a senior - a greedy one. Hehe.

I heard some chuckling sounds. Well, that makes me less stressed. But as soon as I get to the point, a pin drop silence descended upon me. If it was a scene of anime. Then this was the perfect moment for a crow to crowed upon my head and left.

I ignored the silent-treatment that I was getting and start teaching, I've already wasted fifteen minutes. I prepare enough material to cover two hours but I think now I have to skip some of the topics on my list.

I was surprised that it only took fifteen minutes to tell them about Parts of speech. It was enough to worth half an hour lecture at first. At this rate, I bet I can complete my whole damn list in just one hour.

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